Teach English in Lanling Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lanling Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As a Teacher, it comes with the responsibility of fitting under an umbrella with many functions and even other professions. As an English teacher to non-native speakers one will come across various personalities within these cultures and regions and as such will have to be able to master adaptability and flexibility. One should also note that, no two persons think and act the same and as such being a teacher will require you to be able to deal with various situations, even those that put you on the spot. Each student whether a young learner or an adult all learn differently through the various skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking respectively With the difference in personalities among students it is very important to ensure that the teachers serves as a role models to students so as to give them the extra push when needed as well as to allow them to build their confidence level both in and out of the classroom. When a teacher demonstrates the positive attributes of a teacher and exert their strength, the students will believe that they themselves can find in themselves the will power to break away from any doubt or shyness that may have prevented them from reaching their full potential in English and later on may result in their personal growth and development. Building a student’s confidence will increase their self-esteem and will motivate them to learn. To think about in plain sight, no confidence and lack of motivations results in no positive outlook and no willingness to learn or to participate in activities in the classroom and by later lead students to segregate themselves later on in life. As such teachers should take the timeout to know the students through various engaging activities and giving them constant praise will allow students to feel more relaxed, appreciated and will be receptive in learning ,thus making the learning environment a positive one, as students spend most of their days with their teacher versus their parents. Also it is very important to have student and teacher relationships so even small gestures such as acknowledging their birthdays will make students be more confident and to even to have small talks with them to know that each person makes mistakes and it is normal to do so. Students just like anyone else needs someone they can rely on when it doubt and they need someone to guide them for future adulthood engagements with other persons in and outside of their cultures, so they can get a better understanding of the differences that are presented globally. Confidence for students whether young or adult learners is crucial to allow them to grow mentally, physically and psychologically. The classroom is the foundation to bridge the gaps of uncertainties and to break away and express themselves freely without feeling ashamed. So with a strong support system students will be able to grow into their purpose for the business world as well as to be able and willing to learn new things from other persons without out fear or self doubt but instead to represent boldness and a good character.