Teach English in Kuangkeng Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Kuangkeng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teachers of English in foreign countries must consider cultural awareness when formulating teaching methods and developing subject material. The teacher must create an environment that provides students a comfortable and safe space to learn. In order to do this, the teacher must first study the culture, which includes the dominant belief system, history, and anthropology. For example, the United States is defined by cultural anthropologists as a “blame” culture, which means that Americans are likely to find a way to pass responsibility off, and in America it is very much every man/woman is an island. However, Japan is a “shame” culture, in which groups share the responsibility for a mistake. Teachers must learn what topics are to be avoided in class. These could include politics, religion, money, or conflicts that the country is involved in. In general it is best to avoid these subjects in the classroom, as not only do you not want to make anyone uncomfortable. In addition, one must be aware of their own actions in the classroom, and tailor behavior to that of the culture. Pointing, long eye contact, or touching students may all be against the norm and are in many countries, thus it is necessary to avoid those actions altogether. When developing materials for the class, teachers should use material that is from the students culture. This is important as they will more likely to be engaged with material that they are familiar with, even if the words are different. Another tactic is to learn how the students learn in their schools. Do they use games, storytelling, work sheets, or puzzles to name but a few. If the class is multicultural, then it may behoove the teacher to rotate cultures so that everyone is represented, which will give the students additional information about what it is like in other cultures. In addition, it has the effect of validating all cultures that are represented in the classroom. The classroom is also an important characteristic that is probably the most important aspect of teaching. Creating a culturally sensitive classroom has a number of benefits for both the teacher and the students. The classroom should be decorated with engaging and culturally relevant materials, which could include maps of the regions, pictures of pop culture icons that can also be incorporated into lessons. Meet regulars with students as well, either in ones or twos depending on the circumstances. Often, this important but overlooked step can have big benefits for both teacher and student. Teachers can gain cultural insights from students that they might not get when in the classroom or through research. Students benefit from meetings with the teacher by becoming more confident, as they will trust that the teacher has their best interests at heart. Learning should always be as interactive as possible. Exercises should be as memorable as possible, as it will assist with retention. Educational games, puzzle solving, and storytelling are excellent tools that provide students with memories that will assist them with recall of words and concepts. Being an effective teacher is not just about knowing the latest and greatest techniques. Being an effective teacher means you can manage your environment no matter where it is, and learning about the cultural awareness will assist a teacher in creating effective materials, presentations, and create a safe environment in English can be learned.