Teach English in Jiaolong Zhen - Linyi Shi

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Name : Renuka Palaniveloo Course : Summative Task Date : 8th May 2019 How Motivation In The Classroom Helps In Effective Grammar Learning. Richards, (2014) asserts that grammar can be viewed as both as an ability and as knowledge. When viewed as ability different students will possess different ability levels to learn grammar. As knowledge, different student possess varying rules and rubrics of the language. It is not surprising that grammar can be boring and various students have varying attitudes towards learning and understanding grammar. English can be a foreign language to some students or native to other students. Nevertheless, grammar can be notorious and hard to study. However, some of the students will find it a piece of cake. A key goal of classroom motivation is the development of communicative competence. The joy of any grammar teacher is to see his or her student prosper in the language and become outstanding communicators. To achieve this, the teacher needs to pull various factors together like understanding his or her student's levels of learning, the objectives and above all formulating an effective method of teaching; case in point classroom motivation and cooperative teaching for students with varying understanding levels. This essay hypothesizes that motivation in a classroom can help different students in learning grammar effectively. One way a teacher can motivate his or her students is getting involved. The tutor can set goals, effort charts, or progress markers to be achieved by various students of different levels. Through this involvement the student can be motivated towards archiving set goals. Students can demonstrate their English speaking capabilities and from this, the teacher can understand how the various students understand grammar. Some will have outstanding performance, others average while others will lag behind. From this the teacher can identify specific motivations for each student. He or she can start the class by greeting the student in the target language and engaging them in the targeted language. This can highly motivate the student to emulate the teacher and learn grammar. (Mahadi 2012) Teachers need to constantly encourage students and give positive reinforcements to ensure students feel more enthusiastic about learning grammar. Encouragement may include both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Enzi, (2012) study evaluates teacher’s role in helping the student learn grammar in classrooms of 7th-12th grade. The teacher should praise the students often and recognize mere attempts or achievements. Extrinsic motivation incentives like “good job" or "nice work" can make a student go a long way. Intrinsic motivation fascinates the students with the subject and gives them a sense of its relevance in life. Teachers or parents can promise gifts and presents if a student improves in his or her grammar and this stimulates the student to learn. Using games and other forms of social interactions to teach grammar is highly motivating. It gives the student of different levels a natural way to interact and learn from each other as they play. Busse, (2013) believes various activities can be motivating. Students can also interact through songs and other interactive activities of the social dimension. The brain learns grammar through patterning and memorization. These social interactions engage the student in grammar repetitively to help the student of all levels catch the meanings in the activities they do as they interact. Students can practice classroom dialogues with partners and this will highly motivate them to learn. Intrinsic motivation fascinates the students with grammar and gives them a sense of its relevance in life. Students need to feel a sense of satisfaction and significance of grammar utilization in the very beginning to feel motivated. Open any grammar textbook or journal, and there is always a context where the grammar language is being used in a practical situation. (Koki Shimazu 2017), searching for a job, giving direction, purchasing your favorite mug of coffee, to customs at the airport, grammatical language is encountered in imperative occurrences in our own lives. Students should feel motivated and satisfied that grammar skills amassed in the grammar class will be used in the future regardless of their backgrounds. Conclusively, motivation tremendously helps students of various backgrounds to learn grammar. Regardless of a student's level of learning, with the right level of motivation, they can effectively learn grammar. With this motivation, students will develop a natural interest in learning the language and understand why they learn it. Works cited Busse, Vera, and Catherine Walter. "Foreign language learning motivation in higher education: A longitudinal study of motivational changes and their causes." The Modern Language Journal 97.2 (2013): 435-456. Ezzi, Nemah Abdullah Ayash. "Yemeni Teachers' Beliefs of Grammar Teaching and Classroom Practices." English Language Teaching 5.8 (2012): 170-184. Koki Shimazu “World of Better Learning”. Motivating students to study grammar. Journal published in October 2017. Retrieved from Mahadi, Tengku Sepora Tengku, and Sepideh Mohandas Jafari. "Motivation, its types, and its impacts in language learning." International Journal of Business and Social Science 3.24 (2012). Richards, Jack C., and Randi Reppen. "Towards a pedagogy of grammar instruction." RELC Journal 45.1 (2014): 5-25.