Teach English in Honghua Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Honghua Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

INTRODUCTION Teaching as a profession is defined by many as an act and science which simple mean there is some level of skills needed from any individual who desire to enter or already in the act of teaching. As such, the individual must have or acquire and develop some teaching skills in order to assure success in the classroom. Every teacher needs to think about the skills required to be a good teacher because every learners likes to be taught by good a teacher. Many of the skills teachers use every day in classrooms depend on what I have grouped into two as the below;  Skills that depends on teacher’s personality.  Skills that depends on teacher and students relationship. These skills will be discussed in detail giving explanations and some teaching skills for each category. SKILLS THAT DEPENDS ON TEACHER’S PERSONALITY This is skills that bother on the characteristics or qualities of the teacher which shows who you are. As human as we are every individual have some behavior either good or bad which have effect on our daily life activity been it our profession or non-profession. To have good teaching skills, the teacher must have some of the following characteristics • Kindness and Patience This is likely the most important skill expected from teacher’s in the classroom. Students or learners sometimes prove to be stubborn towards the teacher for some reasons, and may lack respect for authority. As the teacher you need to be patient and not be temperamental in order to find a way to work with the students and earn their respect. • Confidence It also an important skill every teacher must have. Teacher’s need to be confidence whenever they are in class in order to shows students you have absolute control in the subject area. These help students to have the courage that they are going to succeed in their lessons. Your level of confidence shows how professional you are. • Leadership Skills This is also one of the most important skills each teacher must have. Students always need teachers to be their guidance in class. As teacher you need leadership qualities guide them and also show to learners as the one in charge of the class. It is known to many that to be a leader requires a greater skill and therefore teacher’s needed to acquire a lot of knowledge to succeed. As there is a saying which state that “a group without a leader is like the sheep’s without shepherd” which makes leadership skill most important for English language class. • Motivational Skills It is a skill equally important as the other teaching skills. Students at any point in time in their lessons need some sort of motivation from their teacher for them to succeed. It may require encouragement or sometime criticism depending on the times. • Organizational Skills Organizing in simple means how well you have planned for and activity and how the plan will be carried out. This makes it necessary for teacher to have the skill to plan their class and how each activity should be carried out as to what should be done at any point in time. This helps in smooth running of the class and every teacher needs to have good organizing skills so as to be creative and dynamic. • Communication Skills Communication involves the two language skills been the receptive as reading and listening and productive as writing and speaking. These four skills are very critical and important in the learning process. Since teaching is to engage, inspire and communicate most of the time, teachers need to be clear and concise in the communication for better understand. SKILLS THAT DEPENDS ON TEACHER AND STUDENT RELATIONSHIP This are stills that dwells much on the relationship between teacher and students. This skills are very important in the sense that it promote unity can foster a serine environment for effective learning. Below is some of the teaching skill need under this category. • Interpersonal skills This skill is very important considering the range of personalities the teacher will encounter from working with students, parents, and other supporting staff. It is always important for the teacher to build a good rapport between him/her self and the students. This make the students comfortable be around the teacher to discuss their problems. • Problem solver Every teacher most often have to think on their feet, dealing with students’ academic, emotional, social, and physical needs. As there are different personalities you will be teaching, couple of problems may crop up, you need to have a skill that can help you resolve issues as quickly as possible. Many employers look for professionals who are quick to implement preventative measures, follow protocol, document situations, and handle problems with care and attention to detail. • Concern and respect for students Respect is something every human being expects so as learners also expect some sense of respect from their teacher whether they are young or adult learners. As there is popular say “respect is reciprocal” meaning, a teacher the respect you will give to your learners, in the same way they will respect and will definitely contribute to the success of the class. If teachers show concern about learners this is where they can identify the weaker students and provide special efforts to make the successful. CONCLUSION The teaching skills explained in this document clearly show that to attain success in the classroom, a greater portion depends on the teacher’s ability to exhibit good teaching skills. On this note I urge every teacher to try hard to show this skill whenever they get to the learning environment.