Teach English in Dadian Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dadian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Playing games is probably the first way children have to interact with the world around them. As they grasp a better understanding of their surroundings, they also learn how to engage with their peers and family members. It is playing games what allows them to use their creativity to solve problems with imagination as they develop new competencies that they will need to face future challenges. Games also present a window in which to contextualize abstract concepts that would be too complicate to explain in any other way. And on top of all, games are fun. When working with young learners is impossible to ignore game playing as it is an essential aspect of their lives. When playing games, students become more engaged in their learning, taught content is reinforced and class positivity is increased. By playing a game, students may be able to understand a new concept or idea, take on a different perspective, or experiment with different options or variables. Building well-staged games can be the integral core of the ideal class environment. In a language class, games are the perfect tool to bring new content into context. Especially for young beginners, as they will acquire language in a more unconscious way, games will present the opportunity to willingly use the vocabulary and structures repeatedly, gaining the much-needed experience. Drilling and repetition become meaningful to them since they have a defined goal, whether is a competitive or cooperative game. At the same time, abstract concepts such as time tenses and grammar structure will gradually become clearer as they use it frequently in a practical context. Most teachers will agree on the benefits of using games in the classroom, particularly when it comes to grab students’ attention and actively engage them. Usually the attention span of young learners is shorter than that of an adult. A game can be then the solution to try to keep students focused on the topic as they also engage in an activity that is appealing to them. A game in a course book-based lesson can represent the difference between a dull teacher centered class to a live, dynamic learning environment. This leads to further benefits. There are countless skills that students can develop through game playing such as critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and good sportsmanship. Well-tailored games can be a positive window for students to interact with the language and each other in a safe setting. They have the opportunity to be more creative with the language they are learning and are free to experiment on their own without fear of negative criticism. They can tell jokes, create descriptions or construct arguments in a more spontaneous way than that of the regular class. At the same time, they can also interact with their peers in a more flexible space. During a game, students will need to work together as a team when playing as a whole class against the teacher, or in small team groups when playing games with each other. They will have to learn how to take turns, build respect, listen to others and play fairly. Most of the times, the simplest games can be turned into team building exercises. By playing games students shape a positive learning environment, good memories of their classroom experiences. A positive emotional connection facilitates learning. The fun, silly or interesting moments of the games will print in their memories vocabulary and grammar structures practiced during the activity. In the same way, many games feature a variety of different stimuli: some students might remember the new language elements from acting them out, others will remember reading the clues, and some other students might remember hearing their classmates calling out the answers. Games can definitely provide various sensory experiences for the students There is an anticipation and excitement of the unknown when playing games. It eliminates the monotony of the day-to-day in the classroom and reinforces learning. Games boost motivation and develop communication and social skills. They provide with a more language-immersive experience. Adapting and creating games for the classroom is a good way for teachers to come up with new strategies and add more variety into their typical lesson plans. Using games will help teachers build a more resourceful and inventive learning environment. Certainly, classroom games can be a powerful tool and that is why teachers should always try to include at least one game in their lessons.