Teach English in Baotai Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baotai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English in general for native speakers and non native speakers was never the easiest of tasks and is honestly overlooked by the majority of people. however, it is in my humble opinion one of the most rewarding and satisfying jobs out there; but, as everything in life it does have some benefits and drawbacks, which will be discussed from my perspective as a non native English teacher. Firstly, the English language is probably the most used language in our day and time and many jobs nowadays determine and classify the proper use and proficiency of the English language as an obligatory prerequisite. so, that very reason on its own is a very good motive for an English teacher to do his/her best for their students in order to improve their language, so they can be proficient or efficient enough to reach the required level that will aid them in the job market. secondly, a lot of people have the desire to enhance their English language for travel purposes and meeting new people; speaking from experience, some people are actually more comfortable talking in English with other people in English)second language) than they are in their own mother tongue. so in a way a teacher is actually helping develop their students' characters whether as kids in school or as adults. thirdly and in my opinion is the biggest advantage and privilege for any English teacher is the appreciation and recognition a teacher gets from his/her students; whether it is in the forms of appreciations posts or cards, gifts, or even words of appreciation and gratitude, this in my opinion is the biggest advantage of being an English teacher and having the motivation to imbue your influence and knowledge. On the other hand, being an English teacher is not without its disadvantages or drawbacks of course, it has a plethora of challenges that teachers have to either undergo and solve or adapt to. first of all and probably the biggest challenge and disadvantage a teacher might face while teaching is trying to make his/her students think or adapt to a language they are not well acquainted with. most students find it difficult and challenging to think in a language different to their own, so they resort to the easiest route which is translating from their native language to English or vice versa, resulting in a lot of structural and grammatical mistakes, that in itself can be frustrating and disheartening for teachers on the long term. secondly, the mental and emotional state of teachers is often overlooked, as teaching can be very draining and exhausting as time goes by, which is often taken for granted to be honest. lastly, the salary that teachers get is well below the colossal effort that the put in on a daily basis. teachers wake up every single day before anyone else and put their heart and soul into teaching and influencing students in a positive manner, but get underpaid and under-appreciated. To conclude, English teaching as a non native speaker is one of the most challenging aspects, but if done correctly and while bearing in mind the negative aspects and circumstances that a teacher might face, it can be one of the most self-rewarding and influential jobs out there.