Teach English in Baiyan Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baiyan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching has its challenges and amongst them is the fact that one has to deal with students who have learning difficulties. It seems to me that nearly everyone these days has a learning difficulty and I am almost inclined to think that times have changed so and the food we eat is causing a lot of these issues. On the other hand, I am against students being labelled as we all know that each one of us have different talents and skills and just because a child is not interested in a subject, they then get labelled as having a difficulty, which in my opinion is hugely unfair. So many people who have been labelled as stupid or having some form of learning difficulty have turned out to be absolute geniuses. I personally feel that you will be a brilliant student at a subject that lights you up and are interested in. A learning disability is not a problem with intelligence or motivation. It is just that they process differently. Fortunately we do have professionals who can help diagnose or assess a child with a particular problem and if remedial action is put into place and adhered to, a child can get over certain stumbling blocks. The biggest mistake teachers can make is to separate these children from the others and therefore giving them the impression that they are not like the other children and that there is something wrong with them, leaving the child with feelings of being not good enough. This in turn brings about its own set of issues and causing even more disruption in the class and in the student’s life. Learning disabilities can be hugely frustrating for children and when seeing your peers tackling a task with ease or being able to speak in front of a class without feeling embarrassed but is something you as student battle with, it can be very upsetting and causes almost a fear of doing anything in case of being ridiculed. It is therefore as mentioned earlier, very important that a child’s own interests and passions are discovered as they will excel in other areas which then compensate for the challenges. That is the real world we live in and it is important that a child is not left feeling that they are broken and need to be fixed. In fact, social and emotional skills are by far the most important skills to develop. Low esteem and behavioural problems don’t have to be the order of the day if as parents and teachers will help a child deal with and work through the challenges they face. Children with Dyslexia are by no means dumb. In fact they are very intelligent. They just have difficulty in recognizing letters or words and often turn them around. They battle to read fast as I know that the words almost jump around on a page and so they have to really focus on what they are reading or even writing. Once they learn how to focus and read as much as they can, a child can overcome this with time. There are times that ADHD and Autism is confused with learning disabilities. ADHD is when children are hyperactive and battle to sit still, stay focused, follow instructions and the like. Their brains are just so busy that they are all over the place. Autism is basically when children live in their own world and cannot differentiate between colors even or how to communicate. Learning basic skills, making friends and making eye contact is a challenge enough. These are just to name a few challenges teachers face in the classroom and it can be quite overwhelming and one has to know how to use learning difficulties students face to everyone’s benefit.