Teach English in Subao Zhen - Linfen Shi

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LESSON PLAN Teacher:Larysa.xu Expected student numbers: 8 Date & Time:June 20th Class level:L1 Teaching aids: IWB Cue Card 1-Engage Picture Cue Card 2-Finding Mistake Worksheet Cue Card 3- Negative Form Worksheet Cue Card 4- Question Worksheet Cue Card 5- Gap Filling Worksheet Cue Card 6-Role Play Picture Cue Card 7- Interview(A/B): Reporter and interviewee Learner objectives: By the end of the lesson,students should be able to 1. Use "Subject+verb'be'+verb+ing." to produce the correct present continuous when they are talking about an action that is in progress at the time of speaking 2. Use the format of negative well " "Subject+verb'be'+not+verb+ing." 3. Use "What+verb’be’+subject+doing?" to ask questions. 4. Be able to use these three format to do the interview and telling the story Personal aims: 1. To improve my board work 2. To increase STT and decrease TTT 3. To finish the lesson smoothly Anticipated problems for students: Students will have difficulties with related forms. Such as: a. "Be" is missing: such as I sitting there. b. Verb without "ing": such as She is talk to someone now. c. Confuse between "do" and "be": such as I do writing. d. "e" need to be delete when add "ing": such as I'm coming Solution: During the lesson, the teacher will use unscrambling of sentences worksheet to reinforce the forms. And also the teacher will use finding mistake and gap-fill to double check the student's usage and spelling. And I will repeat the correct and incorrect answer to let students to find out the correct answer. E.g. jump or jumping; I does reading/I am reading. Through the role play and interview activities to check students whether they can use it effectively. Anticipated problems for teacher: As a new teacher, I may encounter some issues. 1. TTT is too high. 2.Demonstration is not clear enough 3.Telling students answer directly by myself Solution: 1. I will design some questions and use the activities to reduce my TTT. 2. By using more body language, giving more example and concept checking to solve it. 3. Let students to answer student's questions first. Procedure Phase Timing Interaction Greeting and ice breaking 1. Welcome all students come to the class. Very happy to see everyone is here on time. 2. Introduce myself to students. And write these two sentence on white board. "My name is Larysa. I am a teacher. 3. Invite students to introduce themselves to others by using the sentences which I used just now Engage 3 mins S-T To get the students talking and thinking in English and also increase their interests by guess words. 1. Prepare 9 pictures. And show the pictures one by one to students on IWB. 2. Divide students into two groups. And ask students to guess the words. 3. Who is the first one to put up the hand will be able to answer the questions. If the student give the correct answer, this group will win 1 point. 4. By the end of the game teacher will let each group to calculate the total score. 5. The looser group members will do the “massage” for winners for 10 seconds. Cue Card 1-Enage Picture Picture 1-Read;Picture 2-Jump; Picture 3-Eat; Picture 4-Listen;Picture 5-Speak;Picture 6- Drink; Picture 7- Run; Picture 8- Swim; Picture 9- Write      Engage 4 mins S-T Board work--Teacher will use the different color markers and underline to highlight the common form of the structure. With elicitation, students will get the forms of the present continuous. 1. Write "__ __ __ing ." 2. Get picture 2(jump) ready.(Do not show it to students) 3. Invite one female student to come up 4. Show this pictures to her and let her act out this action. And invite her to repeat this action. 5. To ask what is she doing? 6. Put one hand on her shoulder and use another hand to point at the first line to elicit students come up word"she". 7. Ask students which word is after she, student might say does or am. After I hear answer “is" from students I will say “Great, that's the answer I am looking for. 8. What's the action she's acting? 9. Student will say "jump" 10. I will point at ing and say jumping. 11. Let this students to repeat this action again. And ask other students what is she doing? 12. To point at white board and let students read “She is jumping." 13. Use the same way to elicit students to come up He is jumping now. It is jumping now. I am jumping now. You are jumping now. We are jumping now They are jumping now. And invite students to come to write these sentences on board after finish each elicitation. E.g."who can come and write this sentence for us?"Meanwhile to let students to practice their writing skills. 14. Circle all of the first words among 7 sentences and ask students “what do they have in common?" 15. Student will say they are all subjects 16. Circle all of the second words, read it one by one and ask "what do they have in common?" 17. Students will say they are verb"be" 18. Circle all of the third words, read it one by one (please reinforce "ing" while reading) and ask student “what do they have in common?" 19. Students will say there is ing after jump. 20. Great. So Jump is a verb so it should be verb+ing 21. I will let students to repeat this structure again Subject+verb"be"+verbing. Study Activity- Understanding the first usage of present continuous by using the finding Mistake worksheet. 1. Pass the worksheet to each students, let the students to find the mistakes and write the correct sentence. 2. Allow 3 minutes to finish it 3. Write the 1st sentence on the white board and do a demo I writing now. And ask students" Is this sentence correct?" based on "Subject+verb'be'+verb+ing. 4. Allow students to think and then students will find out the verb'be' is missing, so we need to add "am" after I 5. After they finish it, I will invite students to present their answer one by one. Cue Card 2-Finding Mistake Worksheet: A.I writing. Correct:___________________________ B. She is finish. Correct:_________________________ C. You run. Correct:__________________________ D. They am reading. Correct:___________________ E. Its eating. Correct:_________________________ F. He are reading. Correct:_____________________ G. We are talk. Correct:_______________________ Study   11 mins T-S&S-T Since students understand it. Then elicit the Negative form by elicitation. 1. Write I am __ jumping. And then I act out run. I will ask students What am I doing? The students will come up "You are running. "So I will use one hand to point at the underline and use another hand to wave. To elicit students to come up “not”. 2. Write 7 sentences on the white board and ask the students to find out what do they have in common and come up the form of negative: Subject+verb'be'+not+verb+ing. I am not reading now. She is not jumping now. He is not jumping now. It is not jumping now. You are not jumping now We are not jumping now. They are not jumping now. Study Activity- Practice the Negative form and change the sentence to negative sentence 1. Pair students up 2. Give the worksheet to each students 3. Ask students to find out all of the sentences on the worksheet. Are they affirmative or negative? Students will say affirmative. 4. Please change them to negative form. Remember if you want to change it to negative form you need to add"not" after verb'be'. 5. I will write a sentence on the white board and ask students where is the "not"go. “They are studying.” The students will find verb'be' and say after “are”. And I will write They are not studying. 6. Ask students to stand back to back 7. Student A read the sentence one by one. Student B will change them to negative form and write the answers on the board. When they finish Student B will read sentences Student A will write. Cue Card 3-Negative form Worksheet(A/B) (Four sentences on each sheet) A. I am playing basketball. ________________ B. He is watching TV. ____________________ C. She is writing._________________________ D. It is running. _________________________ E. We are reading books. _________________ F. They are eating. ______________________ G. We are drinking water. ________________ H. I am listening music. __________________      Study 7 mins T-S&S-T Since students know how to describe the action which people are doing? We need to know how to ask the exact actions the people are doing? 1. I will write What __ __ doing now? Rewrite the 7 sentences of affirmative. And draw underline under "Jumping" She is jumping. He is jumping. It is jumping. I am jumping. You are jumping. We are jumping. They are jumping 2. And point at the first sentence. If you want to know the exact action she is doing? You need to say What is she doing? 3. Ask students what is "is"?-Students will say verb'be" what is "she"?- Students will say subject. 4. So the structure is What+verb'be'+subject+doing? 5. Use the same way to elicit students to come up What is he doing? What is it doing? What are you doing? What are they doing? Study Activity 1. Use the same cue card and ask students to ask the questions accordingly. 2. Please use the structure of What+verb'be'+subject+doing? to ask the questions accordingly 3. I will do a demo. “I am playing basketball.” And ask what are the subject and verb’be’. When you ask, “I” need to change to “you”. And the verb’be’ is “are”. So the answer is “What are you doing?” Cue Card 4- Question Worksheet A. I am playing basketball. ________________ B. Tom is watching TV. ____________________ C. Merry is writing._________________________ D. It is running. _________________________ E. We are reading books. _________________ F. They are eating. ______________________ G. We are drinking water. ________________ H. I am listening music. __________________ Study 7 mins T-S&S-T Students might notice that the “e” of the” writing “is missing and other irregular ways of verb+ing. 1. I will chose talk, run,swim and write these four pictures and ask students to answer my questions What is she doing? Answer: She is talking. 2. What is he doing? He is running.(Use the different color to mark"nn" to reinforce with students) He is swimming. (Use the different color to mark"mm" to reinforce with students) 3. What are you doing? I am writing.(Mark letter"e" in red to remind students we need to delte"e"+ing) Study Activity 1. Pass the worksheet to each students 2. Let students fill in the gap accordingly based on the structure and forms they have learnt. I will do a demo first. Cue Card 5- Gap Filling Worksheet 1. I ________ the computer now. (use) 2. Jerry ___ not ________ to her friend now. (talk) 3. They ________ now. (swim) 4. What ____they _______now?(do) 5. The dog_________ now. (run) 6. I___ not ________ my homework. (write) 7. You________.(clean) 8. What ____ you_____? (do) Study 7 mins T-S&S-T 1. Before asking students to do the exercise I will do one demo first and ask some concept questions to ensure students are all understand it? For example, a. What are you going to do? b. Could you give an example c. Write one more example and let students to answer it 2. When students finish the worksheet. I will invite students to present their answer in turn. While they present I will encourage students to correct the answer by themselves, or let other students to correct it. If none of them could correct it I will correct the answer after that. E.g. After one student present the answer I will ask other students "do you agree with he/her?" If not I will allow students to correct accordingly. 3. While students writing the worksheet, the class will be silent. I will prepare some western music and play it. 4. I will walk around to monitor and observe them. I will give the positive feedback and encouragement timely if they do a good job. For example, “thumb up”, “Great Job”, “Excellent”… . If they still confusing. I will ask students to repeat the related structure first, and elicit students to work out the answer step by step. Study 3 mins S-T Pair work and use cue cards to allow the students to develop fluency with this language. Teacher tries to encourage students to use language they have just learnt. 1. Pair students up. Prepare 4 sets of pictures cards. And each student will get 4 pictures. They can’t show them to their partners directly. 2. Student A only can show the head of the people/animal and use other pictures to cover the rest part. 3. Students B needs to use the structure they have learnt today to produce the questions. What+verb’be’+subject+doing? And student B needs to show the whole picture to student A while answer it. 4. Student A answer the questions accordingly by using the affirmative form. 5. I will invite one student come up and do the demo first. Student asks:What is she doing? Teacher answer:She is running.( I will cover and show the picture accordingly) 6. I will ask student questions to ensure we are on the same page. How many picture do you have? Which part do you need to show to your partner when they ask questions? When can you show the whole pictures to your partners? 7. I will walk around, observe and monitor them. If there are some errors which are related to present continues I will wait till they finish the conversation and try to elicit them to correct it by themselves or by their partners. I will correct it if none of them could do that. Cue Card 6-Role Play Picture Role Play with 8 pictures(listening, smiling, reading, eating, Jogging, crying, washing, drinking) Activate 1 8 mins S-S Pair work and use Role play cards to allow the students to develop fluency with this language. Teacher tries to encourage students to use language they have just learnt. 1. Pair students up 2. Prepare 4 sets of pictures. Each sets including Picture A and Picture B. And there are at least 5 scenes on each picture. 3. Imagine you are a reporter. You are interviewing. Please use the three structures which we are learning. What+verb’be’+subject+doing? Subject+verb’be’+verb+ing. Subject+verb’be’+not+verb+ing. 4. I will invite one student come up and do a demo? Student asks: What are they doing? Teacher answers: They are not running. They are jumping. 5. The reporter needs to ask five questions. 6. After they finish they will exchange the role. And use the picture B to ask and answer the questions accordingly. 7. Double check with students to ensure they are clear about it.” What you going to do? Who will be the reporters? How many questions need be asked by reporters? Which structure will you use to ask? Who will answer the questions? Which structure will you use to answer questions? What should you do after you finish the 5 questions?” 8. I will walk around, observe and monitor them. If there are some errors which are related to present continues I will wait till they finish the conversation and try to elicit them to correct it by themselves or by their partners. I will correct it if none of them could do that. Cue Card 7- Interview(A/B): Reporter and interviewee 9. When students finish the activity. I will ask students what you have learnt today. To review the three structures which we have learnt today 10. Write the common mistakes which are related to this lessons. Review and reinforce the correct again. (For the common mistakes it will be different from each lessons, as a teacher I need to walk around and listen to students carefully while they discuss or present. At the same time I will take notes) Activate 10 mins S-S