Teach English in Shicun Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shicun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Being a good teacher for different people mean different things. But students' opinion will be the best evaluation. 'Good teacher' for different students has a its own, sometimes even personal meaning. For grown ups it may be the teacher who is specifically serious, doesn't waste time and teaches a lot of specific information. But it is completely different when we talk about children. For them it is a 'Fun Teacher'. Through my experience of working with the children I have obtained a lot of materials that helps the lesson become useful, fun and enjoyable. Bearing in mind that thought the lesson I may have to change the scenario several times, i have discovered the materials that works best for me. Having great interest in art, I have also learnt that you may create those materials with your students together. If you let me I will share my own ones in this essay. DIctionaries. Creating 'class dictionary' with your own students may be a whole year round activity. You may create them according to the topics, alphabet or course stages. You may make the a hard copy or with elder student even electronic ones. They may be individual ones or for the whole class. And here you may use mind blowing ways. You may create picture dictionaries, letting students draw in them. Or use the pictures from the magazines. You may create applications from colour paper to represent the word. It all depend on the interest of the group. But young learners like to participate in creating them. More important they like to use them. Songs. Creating process of your own songs for little students is based on already existing song, of course. As you figure out what is easy to use, you may replace to words with the others, making it specifically 'your class songs'. For example, 'finger song' context where the names of the fingers may be replaced with the names of the students. You may add to classic 'Laila finger, where are you' another 'Laila finger, what do you do?', which in its turn requires the answer. Games. There range of those that you may create for your class is big. Some of them may even become like a tradition. It is important though that participants don't feel emabbased while doing their part. For young students, you may make different color cards. You may put them in the hat together and at the beginning of every lesson the class will decide what the student, who draws red card, for example, will do. May be sing a song (even on her or his native language that he likes), maybe tell something interesting,or maybe even show some type of exercise, or tell about him or herself something interesting, or show something interesting that he has with him or her today. All depend on the age of the group of course. While little ones will be very willing to show little dance, or share with the class what he has in his pocket today or to sing, the elder students may tell something interesting about their particular achievements etc. Important to use the traditional ice breaking activity using English. For example the class, after short performance of the young singer, may use English phrases to praise him or her. It is also important to choose the card activity together, so everyone agrees, in order to minimise the feeling of the embarrassment for shy students. These are only few of those that the teacher may create together with his students. You may add alot to it. Of course all these should be used along with the traditional materials such as the course books. But student use willingly the materials that they made themselves. I may say, my students make me feel proud by participating in the whole process of creating them, using them and then handing them over to the next class.