Teach English in Hechuan Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hechuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Andrew Rubio June 27th, 2019 Basics of Lesson Planning In the classroom, it is debated by many professionals on whether teachers should plan their lessons or not. As a result of this controversial topic, this essay is going to highlight the benefits of lesson planning, as well as the drawbacks from creating an overly planned and structured classroom setting. Primarily, lesson planning helps teachers to guide their classrooms through their courses by ensuring that certain learning objectives and goals are being met. Lesson planning serves as a document that can be referenced throughout the course and gives teachers guidance as they work with their students throughout the academic year. In many cases, lesson planning often acts as a buffer by ensuring that students are obtaining an adequate amount of knowledge at the appropriate time in order to pass the course. While many disagree with lesson planning, it is arguably a great way to kick off the academic year. As previously mentioned, a lesson plan can help provide a teacher with a general classroom framework that can be referenced throughout the course. This point of reference may be helpful if an external source, such as a parent or prospective student, was to ask what material would be covered and learned throughout the course. More often than not, teachers may be unsure of how to begin the academic year or may get distracted with the individual learning needs of particular students. As a result, lesson plans will ensure that the whole classroom progresses as the students move throughout the course. While a lesson plan is helpful, we must not neglect the individual needs of students. A wise, well-seasoned teacher will know when to stray from the plan in order to best meet the learning needs of the students. In contrast to the previous paragraph, when a lesson is overly planned the classroom may not meet the needs of students that need additional help learning the content. Many teachers can rely too heavily on the lesson plan and not allot much time for the new material to marinate among the students. Additionally, lesson planning can prevent teachers from working with each student individually to ensure the learning objectives are being met. Implementing various strategies, and occasionally diverting from the plan, can make the difference for the students that are struggling to grasp the content. A great way to ensure that teachers are not getting carried away with the lesson plan is to be involved with the students and understand where they are with the content. Teachers can then cater their lessons to the needs of the students. In this situation, the lesson plan would serve only as a mere guide that may be adapted accordingly as the course progresses. Supplemental instruction is a great way to bring other content into the lesson to help ensure that both the learning outcomes and the students’ learning needs are being met. In conclusion, a lesson plan is a great tool that was created with the intention of ensuring that all the students in the class learn the subject. This by itself is not a bad thing, however, teachers need to be carful to ensure that the plan is there as a tool to ensure the learning outcome, and to regularly check in with all the students to ensure the students are grasping the material will help. The use of supplemental instruction will help add materials in that may not have been included in the original lesson plan with the hopes of solidifying the learning of the material. The result is a classroom where the students are progressing well through the course and retaining the content.