Teach English in Dayang Zhen - Linfen Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dayang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linfen Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Online courses and programs are not something new nowadays. Modern lifestyle allows us to have remote jobs, travel more and get an education without moving to another city or attending traditional educational institutes. For many people, getting it online became a lifesaver and the only way to receive a relevant diploma. The market for online learning is expanding rapidly. Today everyone can enroll a course of any possible subject. The student decides whether he or she wants to take a short course or go for a master’s degree. Even the best and the most famous universities in the world went online — and everyone can apply to get their certifications. This is probably the best feature of online education: no matter where you are from and how old you are, you are free to decide what you want to study and where. In the past centuries, schooling was a privilege of aristocrats or rich people, because usually only they had resources and a time for study. Nowadays there is still a huge amount of people who cannot even read and write. But the situation changes. It’s easier to get any education you want, but of course only if you are ready to spend a time and put an effort into it. The money is not a problem anymore. Furthermore, there are numerous websites which provide totally free learning. But even paid courses are usually much cheaper than equivalent university programs. Does online education have disadvantages? It surely does, especially for people who like to attend classes and communicate with the teacher and other students. Asking the teacher when facing a problem and a possibility to discuss the topic face-to-face will always be an advantage or traditional education. Nevertheless, some websites offer tutors and mentors to guide you through the program. There are courses which are designed similar to offline classes: you have an opportunity to communicate with other students and teacher through video conferences, ask for advice and get your progress under supervision. Such courses could be more individual. As an example, ITTT website allows choosing from courses with different length, video materials, possibility to have a tutor and other options. Another segment is very popular among language learners. It is about studying with native speakers or fluent foreigners, using chat communication and video calls that not only helps a student to improve their skills but also make new friends and connect with people. Educated citizens push the progress forward, they make researches, develop global strategies. Thus is increasing the standard of living and the world’s economy. If to think of cultural education, today we can learn about any countries’ culture through the Internet, learn new languages and deeper our professional knowledge. For older people who have attended school many years ago and are working now, online courses may be the only way to combine full-time job and study. Online education connects people all over the world. It helps to get access to limitless resources. It is capable to fulfill the need of persons with different cultural and educational background. To be relevant on the Internet is easier, course materials can be changed instantly. That is why globalization as a whole process is essentially connected with online education. It is an effective tool for self and professional development when you have an opportunity to learn from the world's best case practices. Investing in education is investing in the quality of life.