Teach English in Yushan Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yushan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

With so much information available to us through the use of books, the internet and other people we have a world full of endless knowledge so it’s vital to learn efficiently. I believe motivation plays one of the most important roles in a students ability to learn so learning techniques should help students stay motivated as well as helping them learn quickly, learn more, remember more and use things they have learned. One of the most useful learning techniques you can use is practice testing. Practice testing is very simple and easy to implement and it doesn't have to just be a test, it can be implemented through flashcards or even just asking yourself questions in your head and answering without looking up the information. When learning new information it's very helpful to test yourself on the information you just learned, doing this will help you remember the information for longer. Practice testing is also very motivating as it lets you know how well you are doing. This technique is easily applied to a classroom and is used in ESA lessons where the activity part of the lesson will be using the information you just learned. Another very useful technique is distributed practice. Distributed practice is when you study over time instead of cramming, giving your brain time to absorb the information and letting it rest is crucial. Studying over time and having rests keeps you motivated because you will most likely be able remember more information whereas trying to cram things is the opposite and you lose motivation quickly since it's not allowing you time to process what your trying to learn. This technique is difficult to implement in a classroom since you have limited time and you hope students will do some study in their own time, homework is often the solution but it’s hard for students to do homework if every class gives homework. One pitfall I noticed was people would sometimes only learn in a single way which might be books or other media such as YouTube, this isn't ideal because sometimes it can get repetitive and boring. Learning in multiple ways is great at keeping you interested and motivated as well as having a wider range of knowledge available to you. With the convenience of YouTube I believe this is a very popular technique people use and it's often said the more parts of the brain you engage with while learning the better it is. This method is often used in class with slides, pictures, videos, audio and activities. Avoid multitasking and focus on what's ahead of you. It can be a struggle to avoid multitasking especially if your feeling bored and if your studying on your own. One method people use to help them stay motivated is to make a plan to study for a certain amount of time and stick to it. if you don't decided how long your going to study for its very easy to just decided to stop 10 minutes in or when you get bored. In a classroom it's much easier for students to avoid multitasking since the teacher should have made it clear what they are learning and keeping people motivated and attentive. Another technique teachers often use is covering the board and only revealing the part they are focusing on. There are many different learning techniques you can use to approach the way you study and learn. I've listed a few of my favourites ones that have personally helped me the most, they are all closely related to how well they can keep me motivated. Some techniques may help you and some might not apply to your situation because everyone's different and what's important is finding what works best for you.