Teach English in Niujiaodian Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Niujiaodian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When we talking about the process of learning, enduring endless hardships, drilling on key points and repeating tedious practice are the first impressions rushing into our minds. Yes, no pain, no gain, nothing comes for free, so be the skills and knowledge. However, that is not to say that overcoming the difficulties is the main plot of the learning novel, contrary, during some specific stage of study, so called “hard” work is not that inevitable. Games involvement can change the stereotype that it generally believed concerning learning. As a matter of fact, playing games is not the opposite side of studying, believe it or not, most of our abilities for surviving are gained by playing from our early childhood: for example: your season of location was generally practiced by keep holding, touching, combining different shape of concrete objects like toys, dolls, building blocks and Lego, and your physical abilities were trained from hide and seek, catch and chase games, and mostly important, your mother language was procured from your random talking and imitating from others, neither of these crucial ability is got from unbearable endeavor, on the contrary, you learned without even noticing. So at least there is a way opened up for games to play a more important role in teaching, a way which is more natural to human instinct and brain mechanics. That is why results of many researches indicated that children’s intelligence will be greatly developed if they can play thoroughly and variously, that is too say, fully involved in the things or activities that they were playing. To some extent, playing while learning is plausible. Since games are widely welcomed by most learners, adults or toddlers, it will be very important to make sure they are played with the specific aims, a impressive process comes with no valuable result is not teaching, just a kind of experience at most. Therefore, making sure the games are designed initially with clear motivation and executed control-ably is of great importance. Game will play an important role in study phases of Engage and Activate, one is helping the student get interested in the topic, the other is giving them further provocation for on-going exploration on this subject and extensions. Attraction of games like: challenging, competing, interacting and fun, are the main merits in teaching and studying process. As in the engage phase, a teacher has to make sure most of the students have the inclination of get involved in the project of study, so interesting and simple game which are comprehensible and accessible for most students can magically drag their attentions and curiosity. And lastly, by the end of the class, activating the students for further exploration on relevant subjects can be aided by a well-designed game as well, recapping what they’ve learnt, they can also give you surprises with the game given. Playing games, to some extent, comply with the natural instinct of human, or, of all mammal animals, for almost all of the babies mammal are trying to gain their survival skill through playing games with their parents, siblings, partner and even their preys, therefore the accessibility of applying games into standard teaching process can be put into consideration, These are three suggestions for the applying of games in teaching:  Selecting appropriate task of game. The optimal game for teaching is the one that can help students to broaden their horizon, increase their information for relevant knowledge, enhance their skills, and enrich their emotions. Moreover, the relevance between the games and contents of teaching should be put into consideration, what’s more, whether the games can help teachers to achieve their goals is another point that need to be evaluate.  Proper duration of time of game. Games is an approach, instead of a aim, so as an assistant tool, games never dominating. Teachers should execute the games controlably and restrictedly, over-lengthened games never help, and can easily deviate the direction of the train of teaching. So proper time of each game should firstly be counted at the design stage.  Game should be applied into limited measure. No matter how welcome a game is feed backed, it should be played with a boundary. When innovation and revolution are always speak strongly, teachers must balance the practicality and novelty whenever they applying a game, according to the core value and basic utility of one.  Teachers should be versatile with game-involved teaching approach. Lot of teachers are professional in knowledge itself, and also good at elaborating the idea clearly, but involving a game in their regular teaching suit is another story, so teachers not only should provide the students with standard performance, but also with an overall capacity and open mind to different apparatus and methods: how to find to perfect joint with serious tutoring with hilarious games. So, game will be revolutionary to teaching, it will change how we acquire new ability and cognition in a much easier and acceptable way. And meanwhile, it is also a challenge to traditional teachers to get used to. It won’t be a shortcut to education, actually, it will be a project that need to put lots of effort to perfect and optimize.