Teach English in Guyun Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guyun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The days of labour, The days of struggle, Yielded a wonderful fruit, Into the world of freedom. This independent is sown with wonderful seeds which are expected to grow and bloom with fragrance. The watering, caring and the removal of weeds is very important to make the plant grow properly, likewise students in this vast world need to be taken much care on how the bringing of students must be. 'Discipline' forms the main character of each and everyone, in this modern world irrespective of age. When a student is brought up in a disciplined manner there stands the victory of achieving all wonders of the world. Discipline can be defined in many ways. Most parents fail to indoctrinate their children which results in unbearable circumstances. The parents form the roots to train their children in a regularised manner which can be imposed by telling moral stories, showing live examples of disciplined persons. Discipline plays a vital role in everyone's life regardless of caste colour and creed. When looking children as students, teachers play a very important part in bringing up the students in an organised manner. For this, whether it is correct or not the teachers that is the person who guides the students in the form of a teacher must be dedicated, sincere and workmanship. If real love and is shown by the teachers even they are good or bad, the outcome will be really at least 90% fruitful. Discipline is of two types. Self Discipline and Imposed Discipline. Self discipline works well compared to imposed discipline. Imposed Discipline in many aspects gets irritated where a student doesn't like to be monitored. When self discipline is brought up at their childhood, then there is a less chance of Imposed Discipline. Self Discipline can be taught even by the teachers explaining the results of it by quoting live examples and happenings. Children are God's creations where moulding plays the fundamental role of all growing up human beings. In all walks of human's life discipline plays the main role when followed in a systematic manner brings laurel. The flourished life of a person without any flaws will prove to have followed an authoritative manner. Many great leaders were able to succeed in their life because of perfect discipline. When discipline is followed there is no doubt that a human being ( especially the female gender) can walk in and out in a fear free manner. Discipline is the connector between deeds and rewards. One's potential is developed at the early stage. It helps one to do not only the decided acts but also the expected to do acts in a rightful procedure. Than speaking discipline in various ways the classroom discipline plays the most vital role in student's life and this can be taken at the hands of teachers where the living soul that is the mother expects. First step is in receiving the teacher to the class, then how to talk and move with the fellow friends without any misunderstanding. We cannot predict that discipline will always be in the hands of students. Sometimes they get diverted with other student's activity or the way of their speech. At this juncture it is teachers role to council them and differentiate between the best and the worst. Discipline is also found in the way they intake and share food. It lies in how the students take up the homework and produce it. Entering with permission is a kind of discipline where the child comes to know when, where and how to speak. The teacher's act must be really a dedicated work, he/ she should consider each and every student as their own child. A good teacher ignites the mind and cheers up the imagination and believes that a student will succeed if guided properly. A teacher should handle discipline problems in a careful manner without hurting the feelings of the student. If need occurs they can scold them with positive words. The teacher should know the problems in and outside the campus and motivate them to the right path. They should be able to make them realise they no one is a dictator and that is purely a motherly care. Teachers can even prepare a skit with the students and help them enact in the classroom. Above all this when a student likes, respects and adores a teacher success will be at their hands and outcome will be like the shining stars in the sky. Before summing up it is vivid that a man's success totally lies in the hands of the teachers where they should move the coin in an orderly manner. So live and let live others in a happy and a prosperous manner welcoming the future at the of success. God has created this marvellous world with wonderful creation of teachers with full of precious buds in their hands where the duty lies in them in making the buds bloom into beautiful flowers spreading fragrance everywhere.