Teach English in Guancheng Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guancheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I have been teaching English for over two years now. I have taught at most levels starting from kindergarten, primary school, high school and my last job I was teaching English at a University in china. I learnt a great deal of different things during my stints with all these levels. I learnt that the best way to get students attention, especially younger learners is to not be so serious all the time. If a teacher is just always serious and does not make the lessons fun then the students will get bored and lose motivation. When this happens then the classes will no longer be effective. One way of making sure that the lessons are not boring or overwhelming to students is to add games into the lessons. I have noticed that games have a way of making the students feel more comfortable and also it assists in keeping their concentration and interest. This usually works best with younger learners as their attention span is usually very short and with the help of these games the lessons will be much better. However, having said this even the older students also like a game or two every once in a while, and it just allows them to relax a bit and not always be so serious. The most benefiting way to do this is to make sure you will not just be playing games for the sake of playing games but you also add some learning goals in the games. This will make the students learn things without even realizing it and it tends to stick more in their minds and for a longer time if they learn in a fun way. Another benefit of games during lessons is the students will also be learning some new skills as well and also sharpening their concentration and memory. This will not only help them in their English learning but also in their general life as it provides them with some extra social skills. Another way that games help is by preparing for future lessons or topics. For example, if you are going to learn about animals in the lesson of that day you can first play a game that involves names or pictures of. Animals. This will peek the students interest an s o when the lesson actually starts they will be looking forward to it and also interested to learn about the new animals. Also playing games, especially communication games allows the students to use language freely and in a non-formal environment. They can experiment with words and also learn from listening to each other speak and communicate. Overall, I really like the use of games in the classroom. I think it brings the students closer and so it will create a friendship and also allow them to be more comfortable amongst each other. This is especially important when a student has to go speak in front of the class or example. Because of the games they played they will be closer to each other and they will be more confident to speak up in front of everyone. I always use games in my lessons and I will continue to do so in order to get goof results