Teach English in Qinquan Zhen - Jinzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qinquan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In the fact that, a lesson cannot be effective, if there is not any lesson plans. Therefore, this essay will discuss about how vital lesson plans are or what should be included in. First and foremost, the lesson plan is not only an aid to planning but a working document as it helps the teacher think logically the stages in relation to available time and give the teacher clear target to refer to during the lesson. As well as that, lesson plans are also considered a record of what a class has done or which materials have been used. Especially, in case the head teacher gets sick, recording class content will help another teacher has to cover your classes. Beside that, the lesson plan should be kept as simple as possible or flexible. In addition to this, write the anticipated time for each activity in the margin is so important that it reduces teacher's confusion. One more special thing is that being organized. To be more precise, in order to make the plan run smoothly, the teacher should check carefully the plan, run through your lesson plan, while make sure the teacher have enough materials or equipment and arrange the seating as desired. Furthermore, making sure the board is clean or be ready to chat to the students as they come into the class are so vital that it helps to cheer students up. Learner objectives, personal aims or language point are in a lesson plan of contend. Teaching aids are materials or equipment that the teacher needs to make the lesson more active, when anticipated problems is very important because it assists the teacher to solve with the problems easier. Additionally, procedure is the games or activities used to achieve the learner objectives. Phase or timing should be divided flexibly. There are three types of interaction are teacher- student, student- student or student working by themselves. Number of students need to be known due to activities such as games or role- play. Date/ time or teacher's and observer's names should be included. Another part that is also necessary is monitoring your lessons. It means that the teacher will judge the lesson by themselves and concentrate on the strengths and weaknesses to help them improve. Next, planning a sequence of lessons is more or less the same as planning for a single lesson but the teacher has to care four main purposes. Firstly, flexibility that requires the teacher has to make a change during the lesson. For example, if it is not enough time to play game, the teacher has to throw out that sequence of the lessons. Secondly, goals are things the teacher creates for each student, whether they are end-of- week tests or major revision lessons. Thirdly, revision lesson is paramount importance to ensure students retain all lesson information. Lastly, variety and balance is that teacher makes sure that all four skills are included and equal treatment. In conclusion, I suppose I should say that lesson plans play a key role for the lesson as it make more than 80% of successful lesson.