Teach English in Jialing Zhen - Jinzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jialing Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In a class of more than 30 students it is very difficult to make every student to understand what you have thought for.the day.This is because when they are many in the class,there is so much noise which makes the teacher himself tired of shouting.So this strategy of motivating students to learn is very important especially for students who are beginners or lets say students less than 3 years old,for this level of students the teacher will need to motivate them to be make tham umderstand what so ever he is teaching or.has programmed to.teach for the day.To motivate this set of students you need to know very well what moves them or.makes them give you the attention you need to.teach them.expirience has thought us that stickers really motivate these level of students to learn,toys equally motivate them to learn,warm up does the magic too,this is actually because when ever you do an interesting warm up it actually makes them motivated to learn no matter how it was for them from their homes.little children of that age equally get easily Carried away when you motivate them with warm ups,stickers,and toys it actually makes them to study what you have for them and very well too. I have come to realize that motivating students to learn is very important especially when you are a foreigner in the land where you are teaching.especially when you are a black teacher teaching students who are white.worst of all those who have never seen a black skin human being.its very difficult to penetrate their minds,first you will have to make he or she to be use to you and afraid of you before even thinking of teaching him what ever you have to teach him.Here your personal initiative and skills will speak for you before you go into the motivating part to make them understand what you are teaching them.I have had such expiriences that you enter into a class and and..every one in.the starts crying just like that for even a month before they.start getting aquinted to you talk less of teaching them,here your level of motivation must be of high level for you to get to capture these students. To motivate students of high school is not difficult because they have a little understanding about english so all you have to do to motivate them to learn in your class is by making them to do exercises on their on so that you can correct it and give them can equally motivate them in that you give them room to express themselves and you too have to be ready to give corrections when they need it.They are also motivated to learn when you group them into groups and give them exercises to do and you correct all of these motivate them to study and have a good understanding of the topic you are teaching them.students are always discouraged to learn when the teacher make mockery of them by using their village to discribe them in class and calling their names when talking about bad things in class.all of this makes high school students not to learn again because they.wil be feeling very infiroir in class to even the teacher on..his own part should try not to use all these abusive words to discribe these students dimotivate them and actually use the best words in class to motivatehis students all the time