Teach English in Changning Zhen - Jinzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Changning Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

CLIENT ORIENTED MINDSET "Customers may forget what you said but they'll never forget how you made them feel." I would like to start this article by this quotation that I got about business. When we talk about business, it has vast principles. It may be money for many, a long process, a competition or a victory. All of us have different backgrounds, so it is normal to look at something in different ways. According to the dictionary, business is an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money. (Business Dictionary: Apparently, business is about money. Business is just about exchanging of products, if you have something to offer, then you can make money. In short, business is business. Business has three basic elements: The supplier, the product and most importantly THE CUSTOMERS. It is very significant to consider whom are you going to offer your product, in other words: Why do they need to buy it or what is it for them? In the aspect of education, we can merely connect it to business. Teacher is the supplier, the quality of education is the product and the clients or customers are the students. These three elements play big roles in the aspect of business. The top priority of this cycle is for the students or the clients receive the right product which is the quality of education. How is it possible then? TEACHER is also an important factor. Teacher is the key to make this thing possible. There are some possible ways which can help the teachers to be successful with their goals: First, Respect the Clients; this includes the situation of the students where forth the teacher must extend his/her hands. Each student has special cases, it can be challenging or smooth, regardless the case is, the teacher must know how to respect the student. There must be no stereotyping or discrimination among the students. We can also show respect to the students by identifying their needs or the area that they need to improve, after discovering it; the final action must be effective. You have to ask yourself “How am I going to help the students/clients improve?” If the time comes that you will be able to answer this question, that is also the time that you can finally conclude that you can help the students to improve by respecting him/her needs. Respect requires a lot of courage. Not all the people learn how to do so. However, it is prevalent for the teachers to respect their students and that will become a foundation afterwards. Second, reach your Clients; basically, teachers must grasp the needs of the clients, what are the things to improve, to focus on or to simply give attention to. Once we are able to reach them, we can also make some possible ways on how are we going to address them, with the help of our colleagues or new strategies that will develop their skills, specifically communication and comprehension? Once we are able to achieve these things, at the end, we have the option to keep these effective ways improve for our distinct clients or students. We always have a lot of options in terms of teaching. We may always offer quality education to our students so they will be satisfied at the end. Moreover, business and education maybe parallel from each other. There are also concepts or terms which may be similar, however pedagogic is diverse from trade or commerce. We still have to consider the quality that we are catering to our students. As the first line goes, "Customers may forget what you said but they'll never forget how you made them feel." Same with education, the students may never remember all the things that you have stated, all the lessons, the words or even rules may be forgotten, but the relationship that you build together matters a lot. Letting the students feel that they are essential is our primary objective. We have to make them feel valuable in this process of learning. After all, we are not literally providing products to them, but teaching and building harmonious relationship with the students which are the foundations of QUALITY EDUCATION.