Teach English in Yankuangjituanjidongxincun - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yankuangjituanjidongxincun? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Speaking and writing are key when it comes to communication. In the classroom, there are many ways to effectively develop productive skills. By using different activities, the classroom can be varied and interesting to the students. A teacher must be able to influence the students to want to communicate by using different speaking activities, games, and creative writing. A teacher has to decide how to direct the language of the class to properly teach. With the help of controlled activities, the teacher is able to control the language to introduce new topics. The 3 by 3 drill creates a safe environment to practice pronunciation because mistakes aren't clear to each other. The teacher will repeat the word 3 times with the class then call on 3 individuals. Doing drills promotes choral and individual listening skills by the use of repetition. Guided activities are more creative and productive. By using a guided role play scenario ,with the teacher as the main character, the teacher is able to guide the play, depending on what the students are responding with. This type of activity develops their decision making and conflict resolution skills. Using creative communication promotes student interaction. With the teacher creating the scenario, the students are able to communicate freely with one another. An information gap would prove to be helpful. Different students have different information and they must communicate with each other to find out what the others know. Students are able to continue to build their relationships with one another. They might even find it to be easier to talk to other students than to the teacher. Games provide an element of fun while still completing an activity. Games help provide controlled practice. Using a fun, creative way to get students interested and involved in the activity helps students be able to retain the information. By introducing teams, students are able to use their skills to work together to reach a goal . They can communicate among themselves to get the activity done. The games can be as simple as tic tac toe or Pictionary. By using games, a teacher is also able to create a varied environment for the students. Teachers can find it a little difficult to encourage their students to write. Creative writing gives students an outlet to be creative with the English language. A finished piece of work can give the students a sense of pride. That completed work can be a poem, a story or even a play. To create an interest in writing, a teacher could give the students a blank comic book strip and ask them to create their own. A teacher might even get the students to take part in National Novel Writing Month. They can spend the entire month working on their book and the teacher can help them self publish their book at the end of the month. This can show with enough dedication and commitment that anything can be done. Developing productive skills is essential when it comes to communication. These are the skills that people use on an everyday basis to get even the simplest of things done. By properly working to enhance these skills through different activities, a student will be able to live in the world.