Teach English in Mandong Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mandong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English as a Foreign language in countries where English is not the native language is really a very challenging job. The types of learners, its ages, motivation, interest, knowledge level, cultural and first language, confidence, the qualities of a good teacher, classroom management, and the use of ESA methodology contribute largely to the success of the class in developing the speaking, writing, listening or reading skills. For these reasons, it is therefore necessary for the teacher to have the skills and abilities in bringing about an effective, efficient and successful way of teaching English as a foreign language. These skills must include the following: Organizing skills – I believe in this skill the teacher to put things in order to accomplish tasks in a professional way without affecting the quality of his or her work in school from lesson planning, managing the class /activity, the materials/equipments to be used, the timing the class activity, in arranging the room dynamics, grouping of students, in maintaining and keeping records of the class. To be able to motivate, encourage learners, human relation skills should all be present to a teacher where love to teach, understanding, respect, positive actions, enthusiasm, fairness, consistency, support and patience. A good teacher and student relationship thus makes learning fun, exciting, enjoyable throughout the course and teaching a success as well. Being angry, showing negative reaction, shouting, pointing fingers, making threats and the use of physical violence against learners for mistakes, errors, using native language and bad behaviour should have no place in a class. The communication skills of the teacher is ability of the teacher to communicate or express in English since learners look up to teachers as the fountain of all knowledge or a model for grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. It is a must for the teacher to be knowledgeable of the topic. Good communication skills include written and spoken language in discussion, in giving instructions or in asking questions using language appropriate for the class. Failure on this part might affect or diminish the respect, rapport and discipline in class. Arts/Creative skills and resourcefulness of the teacher could help learners to have a better grasp of the language with the use of visual aids like magazines, newspaper(authentic materials), cut-outs, drawn or prepared(created materials) by the teacher itself. It is also equally important for the teacher to have the know-how in operating equipments or devices such as the IWB, OHP, photocopier, cassette player, laptop, applications and others in his teaching. The ability of the teacher to switch or change to different roles from time to time as required in a classroom demonstrates his flexibility in teaching such as being the manager, organizer, assessor, prompter, tutor, participant model, facilitator or observer. However, there are limitations to roles being played by the teacher. It shouldn’t be overused. It should not deprive the learners of initiative. It should not make the teaching teacher-centered and should give more talk time to students. Classroom management skills are skills necessary in making the class orderly, the learners and the activities in a classroom in a relaxed and friendly manner while maintaining discipline, respect and rapport. This includes the teachers use of his eyes, voice and gestures, changing the dynamics of the class as required by activity to be done, grouping of students, board writing, giving individual attention, balance of TTT and STT, giving instructions, establishing and maintaining rapport. The knowledge or skill in the use of ESA Methodology would also be a great factor in engaging students to speak and think in English using prompters, eliciting information from learners to know what they know and what they don’t, conducting gap-fill exercises, correcting errors to attain accuracy, making realistic activities to gain fluency in the use of the English language and providing feedback. The three methods are the Straight arrow method, the Boomerang method and the Patchwork method. In selecting prompters, aids, activities for use in Engage, Study and Activate phases, however, would depend on the ages, type of class, knowledge level, activities to be done in which case the teacher should have the analytical skill in planning the lesson and in deciding which is appropriate for the class and activity to do. Planning skill is the ability of the teacher to think in advance of the series of steps that he is to do in class, the materials or aids to be used, the language level, the vocabularies, the type of activities to be done for the learners to be exposed to the language, for the language to be understood and constructed, and to be able to produce and practice it. The timing of activities, anticipated problems, interaction, number of students and grouping should be considered as well in planning. Leadership Skills is the ability of the teacher to stay on top of the situation without being domineering, without making activities centered on him rather than on students, without depriving learners initiatives, using his voice, eyes and gestures to convey ideas, making oneself as a good model in class and using his skills in encouraging and motivating students, establishing and maintaining rapport and respect in way that would bring about a good working relationship among learners. Lastly, providing feedback to learners in a professional way without hurting learners’ feelings. Problem Solving Skill is a skill the teacher can use to solve issues or problems encountered in class such as learners behaviour, uneven knowledge level, use of native language, reluctant learners, discipline problems, lack of respect, first lessons, multilingual and monolingual students, motivation, weak students, warmers to use and many others. Being a proactive teacher, he should be able to look forward, see possible negative and positive effects and act on the negative effect to prevent it from happening. Record Keeping and Reporting Skills – ability of the teacher to make, update, review, maintain files, records or syllabus covering the course, topics already discussed, topics still to be discussed, topics that needs to be reviewed, test/assessment/evaluation records of each learners, homeworks assigned to learners and reporting to school administration and /or parents. I believe all the skills mentioned above are important for balance development of speaking, writing, listening and reading skills of learners.