Teach English in Maji Zhen - Jining Shi

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Nationality is the creative power of human culture, culture is the creative power of nationality. A. C. Cuza In our modern generation, it is sad to say but we are still facing the issue of having different nationalities around. It is natural for every person to have this kind of issue. We have to consider where the person came from, what culture he grew up with , and the beliefs he has with him and will carry on wherever he goes. Nothing is permanent but the culture that they've learned to live in will be forever in their hearts and that some believe will guide them towards their future. Nationality in general is a possession; it is something owned. Something that not a lot will give up. People can adapt to new environment, new society, new equipment, new culture, new language, new name or even people but their nationality will remain. Learning a new language can be challenging when you are not in the country you grew up with, which most of the people called 'home'. Different nationalities is an issue faced by the students especially when the students need to move to another country for a job, to settle in, for a project, etc... It is a big issue depending how the other native/s or other nationalities react to a particular nationality. Imagine in a class, 5 different nationalities is better than being in a group where there is only 1 who is different. It is not always the same reaction the students will receive or give to one another, especially with another nationality. Some will have difficult time or slow time to adapt, or to go along than the others who can manage to be with another people of another race. It is an issue that goes with time. Having this issue in all parts of the world, it's difficult for the people to consider it not an issue at all. Different nationalities in one class is an issue but has an advantage in learning one language. A multi-lingual class learning the English language for example. It can make the students learn from one another. They will definitely help one another if they have the same level in English. It will also be an opportunity for them to learn things from each and everyone. It will answer their questions from the other nationalities. Learning one language that will make them united will open a door for them to learn, such opportunities will make the students understand more why the people have different culture/s. In contrary it can act as an intimidation or a barrier among students. Some students think that they are over and know more about things and while the other nationalities are afraid to explore and will consider themselves as weak. It is an example that discrimination still exists. For example in a class, there is a pair work, and one student is not chosen by anybody because he/she has a not so popular nationality. Settling in a foreign country, learning a new language and humiliated with another person of another nationality is a big issue. Imagine how that student will feel. So the teacher has a big responsibility not for this issue to build up in a class. It is better to refrain it from happening than having a student traumatized. So different activities will fall in the situation and can be applied. Nationality is a unique description for each and everyone but the people should always consider it as a sensitive issue among the people. It is an issue, and maybe someday it won't be, when the people learn to accept the differences of each and everyone and see each other the same as one. It would be possible if each person is capable of accepting the differences of different cultures and nationalities. It would be a great help not to make someone feel that they are different or do not belong. It is possible for each and everyone to fit wherever he/she wishes to. People should try to erase this kind of issue and refrain from judging the person because he/she has another nationality. 1. quote "Naţionalitatea în artă ("Nationality in Art")". Naţionalitatea în artă ("Nationality in Art") by A. C. Cuza, Bucureşti: Cartea Romaneasca, 1905