Teach English in Luqiao Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Luqiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Why should English be called the global language? With the continuous increase of globalization, people need a way to communicate. There are countries where certain language are specific to only their areas and for them to be involve in trading they must find a way to communicate effectively. I’ve been residing in Japan for a year now and as I travel daily I see many English schools around. Some statistics would place English third as the most spoken language and Chinese at number one, others would put English number one when it comes to business, however it is the language of first choice when it comes to communicating internationally and number one as second language for none English native speakers. English is important for international organizations and communication, it is mainly used for business on the international market. Among the six official languages of the United Nations Organization English is the mostly used. It is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Therefore knowing English increases your chance of getting a job in a multinational company within your home country or finding a job abroad. America and the UK are highlighted as the number one countries and many countries around the world do business with or through them. The Universities around the world today are using exams to test the knowledge of the students in English. Professionals in all areas whether private or state must have a certain knowledge of the language as well, and to confirmed that I’ve realized that being here in Japan professionals such as doctors, lawyers etc; must learn English to a certain level to be in their professions. There’s an English exam that students have to do to enter university. When I was traveling to Japan I took a flight from Montego Bay, Jamaica to Frankfurt, Germany, when I was at the airport, I was a bit worried, wondering if I would be able to ask for assistance to find the boarding area for my flight. I remember reading that most European countries, especially airport workers speak even a little English so I could communicate. The instructions were also in English. When I arrive at Shanghai International Airport in China I saw English information as well. Living in Japan which is a none speaking English country, the trains also use English sometimes, and if they use other languages to give information it would be other Asians languages. I remember speaking to a Japanese man on the train coming from work one evening, and what he said to me is that I shouldn’t worry, all Japanese speak at least basic English it’s just that they are afraid to make mistakes. The Olympic will be hosted in Tokyo next year and they are already planning to change the road signs and other public places to English. I’ve notice even Brazil which is a Portuguese speaking country uses English at the 2014 FIFA world cup at the open ceremony. Whenever it comes to media, news, sports and others you don’t need translation or subtitles because English is already there. The most listened or sold music are in English. The most watched movies are also in English then translated to other languages. So it is very important to know even a little English as a second language, most Asians who travel out of Asia know and can speak English, English teachers are required more than any other languages across the world in Japan and other Asian countries. Lots of South American nations even though they speak Spanish, they also know even a little English as well. Currently 24 countries in Africa speak English as either there official language or regarded as Anglophone nations. To summarize English is called the global language because it is widely used by many countries for trading. It offers everyone an opportunity to communicate and do business effectively regardless of country and culture.