Teach English in Luotun Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Luotun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

ESA stands for Engage, Study, and Activate.It is an effective and logical method used to teach new Language.(Jeremy Harmer). By using ESA, it gives teachers the flexibility to conduct a classroom in an organized and productive way. ESA is extremely important when it comes to teaching,in the sense that it keeps the students interested,motivated and eager to learn more . ESA is particularly appropriate for trainees and new teachers , hence the course is based around . The Engage Stage This is the first phase/ stage that teachers should always start the lesson with. In the engage stage ,the teacher tries to arouse the students interest and gets them involve in the lesson .Activities and materials which can be used to engage the students include music , games , interesting pictures , stories , discussions with the whole class , realia , miming and acting , prompting the students to answer and using questions to get the students thinking and speaking in English. The aim of the engage stage is to get the students attention and to elicit the meaning of words or topics that will be covered in the lesson. The engage stage is highly important because it gives the teacher the opportunity to include almost all the students in the activity. The engage stage also helps the students feel comfortable and ready to learn. The Study Stage After the teacher has engaged the students , they then move on to the study stage . The study stage consists of activities that help students focus on the language and its usage. Activities such as studying from text and dialogues , example sentences , crosswords ,gap-fill exercises , words searches , matching , games and drilling. The main reasons for the study stage are; for the teacher to teach the students new language items or topics and show them the right way of using them. Also any errors made are corrected and further discussions are made. During this stage , the teacher can help the students to understand the structure used better. The Activate Stage This is the final stage of ESA method in teaching English as a second language. In this stage the teacher concludes his or her lesson with activities such as discussions that are for the whole class ,small groups or even pairs , role-plays , story building task such as posters or advertisements , simulation and debates. This is the stage where the students are encourage to use any or all of the language they know at the study stage. This stage helps the teacher to know how well the students have understood the new language item that was taught in the class. Advantages Of Using The ESA Method In Teaching English As Second Language In the nutshell , it is of great value for the teacher to learn the ESA method of teaching English as a second language. By so doing, it will help the teacher to have control over the subject matter in an organized manner . It will also help the students to learn through fun and productive way. Students participation is very high and effective because the engage stage helps them to learn and the activate stage helps them to put what they have learned into practice. ESA is structured in any way to suit the teacher and the topics to be taught. The most common structure of ESA is the straight arrow method ,which starts with an engage stage fellows by the study stage and ends with activate stage. Apart from straight arrow structure , there are boomerang and patchwork structures. The teacher can use any of these without having difficulties. The most important thing is that the teacher starts with engaging the students and ends with activating the students. In summary, using ESA method of teaching makes teachers more equipped and at the end produces students who have control over the English language. REFERENCE: 1;>blog>esa 2; International TEFL and TESOL Training ,Teaching Models ,Unit 3.