Teach English in Laosengtang Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Laosengtang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When we think about the Role of a teacher we commonly think about the passing on of knowledge from the teachers themselves to all the students in their care and you would be correct to think this as this is the base line in the sand. This primary Role of a teacher is usually administered via a curriculum that has been made for a set subject, skill level and age group of students and as the curriculum is followed it allows for all pertinent information to be passed on to the students. This is an extremely important Teacher Role as it is the standard that every teacher teaches by and allows for efficient grading and testing systems to be formulated so that true progress can be made at all levels and ages. There are many different ways that teachers can pass on knowledge in this way such as hands on learning experiences, Group activities, Lectures and many more but this is not the only role of a teacher. Now lets look at some of the other roles that a teacher can take on, whether its teaching English, teaching Automotive engineering or even teaching scuba diving teachers can and will take on the role of a Role Model even if the teacher does not consider themselves to be, they inadvertently are. This is an extremely important role as teachers are not there only to teach but to care for and guide students as well. Because students spend so much time with teachers they grow to be the role model to both the students and the parents. If we look forwards to a more naturally adapted role of a teacher now which can be called Mentoring and can have positive and negative effects on children, However this is also an extremely important role as it encourages students to strive to be the best they can be but at the same time enjoy themselves while studying, talking and listening to students and help build a sense of confidence so that they want to be successful. All these roles have massive direct effects on the students themselves but what about roles that are not directly aimed at the students? What about the role of creating a safe, clean, fun, warm and welcoming environment in which to learn? This could start with something as simple as setting up the classroom in such a way that it inspires learning and healthy competition by displaying students work, art and useful learning tools such as Alphabet, foods and weather posters. This could also describe the social environment created for example students will respond much better to a happy and calm teacher then they would to an angry and stressed teacher as they tend to reflect the environment created. As we all know teaching can not be all fun and games and especially when working with young learners or large groups there must be an essence of order and this is where the Police officer role comes in to play. Teachers are taught to look for signs of trouble in students whether it is a behaviour problem or it looks like signs of abuse it is certainly a teachers role to look into it. This is important as both a warden and a protectors role however a teacher must always follow correct procedures when following up any signs of trouble. These are some of the roles taken on by a teacher and the reason they are all essential of course the list goes on especially when you start looking into different subject matter.