Teach English in Dazhanglou Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dazhanglou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Introduction Teaching has been and is still a noble profession loved by many, but like other professions, it is faced with some challenges amongst which is the issue of handling large classes. Large classes are as a result of the continuous increase in population. Though a large class has the advantage of fun and greater participation, its setbacks too are enormous such as; incorporating fast learners and slow learners, easily distracted students and attentive students, students with learning disabilities and normal students, students far from the board/computer and those close enough. These points and more have to be taken into consideration when handling large classes. Below are some tips that if considered, can lead to having an effective lesson within a large class. Time management Timing has always been a major determinant of how well an activity will be carried out. Teaching a large class is one of those activities that will require strict timing. This is so because it is often very easy to let an activity use up time that was allocated for another activity. In order to prevent this from happening, it is advisable for teachers to get timers that will enable them maintain strict limits on activities. Group working and discipline Group working will generate active participation from all students and some will try to dominate the others so as to emerge the best. Group working is mostly encouraged when carrying out some fun activity like game playing. Group working will also enable the appointment of group leaders who will assist the teacher in maintaining discipline within their various groups especially when they know a noisy group will lose points. The teacher must ensure that rules with respect to discipline are outrightly made understood to all students from the first day of having a lesson and must be consistently followed throughout the teaching period. Seating positions Before beginning to teach a large class, it is the teacher’s duty to ensure the classroom is well arranged in a manner that can permit easy movements. A large classroom with space that allows for free flow and movement of the teacher will enable him or her move freely to every corner of the class in order to interact with students so to know what problems they face in order to provide instant solutions. The teacher must also ensure a blend in the seating arrangement of his students, making sure that the most rowdy students are fitted in between the very quiet ones while the most clever are fitted in between the average ones. Ensuring active participation from all students Every classroom is made up of students that are very smart and outgoing and those that are very quiet. Some are quiet because they shy to talk while others are quiet because they just do not know what to say. It is therefore the teacher’s duty to ensure that every student gets an equal chance to participate in class otherwise, the quiet ones will always fade out during lessons. Probe planning In order to be successful in teaching large classes, the teacher must ensure to always be guided by a pre-prepared plan of activities. This will help the teacher save a lot of energy and also prevent misbahaviours on the part of the student as they will have no loose time for such. Routine establishment Routines have as an advantage of always maintaining order within a large classroom because it always reminds students of not only what they need to do but also when they need to do it. Detailed routines that will assist in guiding students on how certain activities are to be carried out will be encouraged especially when dealing with students of the higher grade. Competitive Games In order to have effective learning, the teacher can introduce competitive games, whereby groups compete with each order and the best group rewarded. If someone misbehaves in a group, they lose points.This method is good because it reinforces discipline in the class, thereby creating a conducive teaching-learning environment and helps in the success story of the lesson objective. Conclusion To conclude, teaching a large class has its setbacks as mentioned above, but at the same time it is fun and interactive. If the teacher puts into practice the points mentioned above, the lesson objective will be attained in the same way as teaching a smaller class. Large classes have the advantages of allowing many more students achieve a lot from a single smart teacher, students have the chance to compete with many more students compared to a small class and students also have more chances of building their talents because they’re more exposed to other gifted students.