Teach English in Dashu Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dashu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are some English learners that have acquired English words or phrases from TV series, movies, or songs. It is a language that has no barrier due to the main publicities of certain brands like Coca Cola, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not the same as learning a language but if an English learner knows the meaning of certain words or phrases and some differences between tenses, it will be easier to learn it. One of the problems these learners have is the difference between British English and American English: vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Since the first coming of the British to the American continent until the period of the United States independency, the English language in the British isle changed. And the American English did not change much but use the influence of other languages to build new words. According to an article called Developing Pronunciation through Songs published on the British Council web site “songs are good and accessible source of authentic and memorable language…”, “songs provide listeners with a relaxing and emotional atmosphere that makes them in a state of unconscious exposure to language rather than artificial and exhaustive learning.” The article also stated that as the song is repeated more times, the brain keeps the new language, and it is prepare to activate the language when it “finds” the meaning of it. The American English language had to “find” the name of certain animals - ladybug, or actions - rappel, but it had the influence of the other languages of the region: French, Germanic, Dutch, and native language as well. This difference in language was expanded by Noah Webster when he published A Compendious Dictionary in 1806. But before that - in 1791, he wrote Dissertations on the English Language in which he said “As an independent nation, our honor requires us to have a system of our own, in language as well as government.” He believed that the spelling of the of the words had to match their pronunciation, thus why in American English the spelling of colour is “color”, the same happens with “honor”, “labor”. The spelling of the words it is not the only difference between American and British English. The British goes on holiday and live in a flat, but the American goes on vacation and live in an apartment. The word caretaker has different meaning as well: in British English a caretaker is a persona who cleans and maintains a building; but in American English is a person who takes care of someone, a child or a sick person. In British English is used the present perfect for recent finished actions that have a consequence in the present “I have broken your vase. Will you forgive me?” And the American English accepts other possibility “I broke your vase. Will you forgive me?” Other difference in tenses is the spelling of the past participle: the American English used “gotten” instead of got, “leaned” instead of leant, and “spoiled” instead of spoilt. These differences are not as many as new English learners think, and with a little bit of practice they get used to it. There is also no barrier between an American and a British when they talk to each other. They understand by the sentence context what the other means when they say certain words. After all the differences, the language is the same. References: Developing pronunciation through songs. (2006). British Council BBC. Retrieved from\articles\developing-pronunciation-through-sogs.