Teach English in Daan Zhen - Jining Shi

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My experience with a family member in a mixed ability class. Definition : A mixed ability class or teaching system is one in which pupils of different abilities are taught together in the same class. My brother has a child that has Asperger's syndrome, (a form of autism in which the person affected has limited but obsessive interests, and has difficulty relating to other people.) Trying to educate this child in a normal mainstream school was challenging and frustrating for the parents and the child. Special needs schools were extremely expensive and unavoidable for the parents so they had to place the child in a normal school. The teachers did not understand the symptoms of the child and were not equipped to do so. After the child was transferred to a few different schools they found the perfect environment for him. A school with smaller classes, with understanding teachers and thoughtful learning techniques made him blossom. Below are some of the lessons we learnt during the child’s education being in a class of mixed ability. During the first week of him being in the class, the teacher did several sessions on the differences in people, color, race, social standards, physical abilities and disabilities. Making sure they embrace each other’s differences and explaining the typical symptoms of an Asperger’s child without mentioning him specific. She did not tolerate teasing or bulling of any of the children in the class. The teacher paired him with a child that was friendly but that had a quiet nature. That calmed him in class and completing tasks with the other child was easy and less stressful. Creating a “buddy” system for various other tasks helped him take part. When at times he became aggressive, unhappy or unsettled in class, she had small tasks related to the lesson that she could give him that he could complete in a quite space. A safe environment was setup for him to leave him alone till he was ready to join in again. Classroom routines changed. It became more consistent, following the same class order or routine every day and giving clearer more practical instructions to the learners. The same routine was very important for him as a slight disruption caused him to become aggressive and agitated. The parents were given advance notice if things were going to change in the day’s schedule. Preparation for such events and making him excited about it helped the mood of the child. She prepared homework schedules and the parents received those daily in order for them to assist him with those. When she gave instructions they were direct and very clear. She did not leave anything for him to interpret or assume. Children with Aspergers are not stupid and normally have very high intellect. It is normal to assume different because of their social behavior. They find it very difficult to make eye contact and being aware of that helped the teacher not being offended when he did not look at her when she was talking to him or when he was answering her questions. He often lacked energy and it made it difficult for him to participate in classroom activities. He was not very athletic and physical activities or exercises made him unstable and frustrated. Finding a good balance between class activities and alone time helped him cope. One to one sessions with him and his parents helped his progress. During these times she was able to test his understanding, help or address areas where he was falling behind or give instructions to the parents to assist. After a year in the teacher’s class we noticed a huge improvement in his behavior and even in his energy levels. Being less stressed improved his social behavior and he was even included in the local cricket team which would never have happened if they did not find this wonderful caring teacher. A class with mixed abilities are always a challenge. This is not only the case in school where you have children with dyslexia or ADHD, but also in the business world. Some take longer to grasp a concept and for others it comes naturally. Being sensitive and aware of the differences in learning abilities in vital to a learners success but also the success of the teacher. Be sensitive to your learners needs and behaviors. Adapt your classes and do not be too set in your ways. It all goes a long way to the experience for both you and the learner.