Teach English in Duanshi Zhen - Jincheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Duanshi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jincheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Young learners and adults have different motivations: Small children don't have a driving motivation to learn languages. Their attention is fueled by curiosity and imagination. Young learners tend to lack the hang-ups of adults, so they are not shy about pronouncing new words or afraid of looking silly in front of the class, It's easy to see substantial progress in young learners English level since they are able to absorb so munch so quickly. Here are somethings to keep in mind when teaching children, 1) Keep the momentum moving. 2) Remember classroom management. 3) Use songs. 4) Movement and activity is key. 5) Don't over correct.... Adults, on the other hand, will have very specific reason for learning English. Teachers job will become strategic and teacher's need to closely monitor their progress to help them reach their specific goals. Adults students come from various professionals, industries and educations. Here are something to keep in mind when teaching adults. 1) Use age appropriate activities. 2) Teach casual language and idioms. 3) Provide detailed and encouraging feedback. 4) Never equate language ability with intelligence.... Learning Modes young learners vs Adults: Here some of five differences between Young learners vs Adults are as follows, Autonomy: Adult learners are very independent, while young learners aren't. It is possible to let adult work things out for themselves, organize themselves. and even decide the direction of the lessons. With young leaners, on the lessons. with young learners, on the other hand, it is necessary to be in change of the classroom giving clear instructions and dealing effectively with learning strategies and classroom management. Anxiety: Believe it or not, adults are generally more nervous in the classroom than young learners. Young learners seem to have no fear and are willing to try anything as long as they perceive it to be fun. Adults may feel anxious because of the fact that they are not the age of the "typical" learner and so they will approach activities with a sense of apprehension if they do not feel comfortable; they will need more positive encouragement. Discipline: Probably the most obvious difference is that of discipline. Teaching young learners is all about being able to deal with discipline calmly and effectively. When teaching adults, discipline should not be an issue because, well, they're adults. Learning: In terms of learning, young learners need to be given a wide variety of activities which relate to the different senses. Activities in a young learner classroom should be short. with adults it is possible to spend more time on learning tasks, so it is possible to engage more deeply with the learning materials. Motivation: Having said that, adults are most likely to be more motivated than young learners. Adults are generally in the classroom because they choose to or because they need to learn English for work or study, which means their motivation levels are naturally high. young learners usually have no choice, which means that they may lose enthusiasm if they are not interested in what is happening in the classroom. Life experience: Finally, the biggest difference between teaching adults and teaching young learners is what the students bring enthusiasm, curiosity and energy, while adults bring life experience while young learners are still learning about the world around them, adults have already had a life time experience and have their own ideas and opinions. Though there may be number of difference between teaching English as a foreign language to adults or to young learners, the fundamental practices will remain the same. Encourage communication and authentic language use, utilize your students' previous knowledge and above all, maintain a fun atmosphere in the classroom and you will be successful no matter the age of your learners.