Teach English in Beiyicheng Zhen - Jincheng Shi

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A child’s education begins from the household. Parents are their initial educators and they have a crucial part in modelling up their child’s personality and character. A sense of balance of learning at home and school shapes a student’s actual learning. It is a parent’s responsibility to be the helping hand in their journey of education while traveling with them and providing them with the proper encouragement. Parental inspiration had played a vital part in successful pupils in the past and will continue to do so. Their role in educating is not restricted to just the home but in the contribution in school events and activities too. A kid’s learning ability is greatly associated with how they are taken care of and treated at home. Here are some techniques which parents can embrace to support with their child’s schooling: • As a role model: Children are easily motivated by what their parents do. For that reason, it is better to be an inspirational role model to them in their learning stage. Show them how colourful and exciting learning is and how they can be at their best always. Inspire them to keep learning in or out of school with pleasant prompts and guidance. • Make learning fun: 'Gamification' of lessons is a good technique to keep students hooked to learning. Memorizing and revising while playing can help retain information in a fun yet efficient way. Example: fun quiz, tricks, friendly debates memory games etc. • Boost active learning: It is always better to promote active learning than the rote learning. It makes sure that the child has perfectly understood a concept which enables the child to build further knowledge in a topic without getting confused or stuck. By helping them to develop good friendships with curious kids can also develop the active learning skills and can in turn act as a motivation as they learn and teach each other. • Reading together: Performing activities together with the parents can give children a feeling of confidence and support. Reading books or lessons together is one way to be involved closely with child’s learning phase. This also helps them to get more motivated. It can also be a week activity to visit libraries or book stores and get new books to help them attain additional knowledge. • Watch over the child’s actions: It is essential to keep an eye on one’s child’s actions both at school and home. Their overall conducts are closely associated to how they accomplish in their education. Therefore provide with opportune advises and correct any uncharacteristic deeds from the childhood and encourage them to be moral citizens. Assist them to make space and time for all activities. • Do not over-schedule: It is important that the children do not feel burdened with the studies at school and the learning activities at home. Therefore parents should initially help them to schedule their homework and extra-learning without burdening them. This can bring a balance between learning, playing and most importantly sufficient rest. • Offering an enjoyable atmosphere: Parents ought to assure that their children are given a pleasant and peaceful environment at home. Both father and mother should contemplate the importance of studying and provide them with the necessary moral support. • Provide constructive criticism: If it comes to the notice that the child is not performing good enough or not giving much importance to studies or even the moral values, it is primarily the duty of the parents to correct them well in the beginning in a peaceful manner. Making them understand right from wrong with patience and not blaming them is the key. • Helping with assignments: providing proper support to children in their studies will really lift up their spirits to learn. However, it is advised to only help and not do the assignment itself for them. Help them with guidance and tips. • Take mini tests: When it is the exam time, help them prepare for the tests with proper guidance and support. Conducting mini tests can alleviate the tension for the children regarding the exam. Also, parents can help them in the weak areas. • Reward them: It is essential that a child is rewarded for a good result or act. It keeps them motivated and helps them perform better next time by challenging themselves. However, it is always better to not over shower them with expensive gifts and keep a limit. • Make educational trips: It is good to take children for occasional trips to museums or zoos or any other places with educational benefits. • Parent teacher relationship: It is advisable to not skip any parent-teacher meetings. Understand from them about the child’s achievements and problems in school to help the child in the future. • Share subjective experiences: Parents can share inspirational stories of their own school time. They can include positive and negative experiences to show how important hard work is. • Make them relax: It is indeed the duty of a parent to make sure that the child’s schedule is not just packed with homework and exams, but also sufficient play time, hobby developing time, time to rest and sleep and also take care of the physique and mental health. Help the students to relax during an exam. Also include their favourite activities during the holidays. • Role of a good friend: It is important that a parent be a good friend for their kid. They should have the freedom to share their worries and feelings in an honest way. They should be assured of help whatever comes in their way. This way the child can feel the parents to be approachable and can help them build their confidence in learning and other school activities. Other than helping the child in the school learning, the parent’s dynamic part throughout their education can aid them to nurture with enhanced societal skills and enriched conduct. Numerous readings have mentioned the significance of parent’s contribution in the child’s schooling and further education. Students with sufficient support from family achieve better in life and grow up with a greater self-esteem.