Teach English in Yinxiang Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yinxiang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

One of the best things about being a teacher especially if you are working in a foreign country is one day will not be the same as the next. Teaching young learners in a classroom and if you are doing business English you will also be teaching adults. There is a huge difference teaching young students and adult students and I will go through these differences. First of all young learners would probably have little to no English at all. For the young students they are not fully dependent on themselves so in the classroom it is necessary to in charge as the teacher but when it comes to adults they are very independent we have to let them work things out without giving them a hard time. Adults because they work during the day times they will be more tired than the young learners maybe less eager to learn as well but the maturity is higher so that means less behavioral problems, there attention span goes farther than young learners. Adults also do bring in some potential problems like, self conscious about maybe some activities in the classroom, and maybe because they have been out if the education system it will be difficult to adjust to being a student again. Teaching young learners on the other will bringing in all kinds of energy to the classroom, there is a whole variety of lessons and materials to use like singing and chanting and dancing, this way they can interact with each other especially if a song we pick and they all or some mainly will know the words it will be a good boost of motivation. Speaking of motivation adults tend to be more motivated than the young learners because they choose to learn English for work purposes young learners have no choice in being there in class so tend to lose motivation this way when we are teaching the young our lesson plans for them should be sharp and on point and not too long on the same subject. As a teacher to young learners we have a set of responsibilities like for instance facilitator the provider of a learning environment we as teachers must make social process easy for them. Another role for the teacher for the young is being a policeman in class we must have a safe working study environment for every student to make them feel safe. This is called discipline we need to be able to deal with discipline the the young students calmly and effectively with the adults there should not be too much of a problem because well they are adults. Another big difference In teaching young learners they can focus on the simple things like numbers alphabets it brings out a smile on their faces it will be a joy watching them coloring in worksheets, but with adults we can’t do coloring we have to work towards their goal like what do they want to achieve so for the adults more role plays what are they familiar with what are they working at the workplace that’s the way we can help them out. Finally but not last of course is the difference between young learners and adults is what the students bring to the classroom young students bring energy, curiosity and adults bring life experiences, but all in all communication is the key to success and maintain a fun atmosphere in the classroom.