Teach English in Xiaoli Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiaoli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Merriam-Webster dictionary online defines rapport as a friendly, harmonious relationship. The Cambridge Dictionary defines rapport as a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with them. Rapport generally relates to perceptions of bonding, positive thoughts and feelings of closeness that lead to favorable interactions between those in the relationship. BBC Teaching English website says rapport in language learning refers to the relationship between the teacher and the learner aimed at producing an environment that is conducive and aids learning. All definitions of rapport point to a form of relationship, a relationship that is cordial, friendly, make room for building closeness and openness between the teacher and learner or learners. Building rapport is especially useful for very first or new classes though existing classes need rapport building as well to sustain interest, especially in learning English and dealing with disciplinary issues or helping to manage the classroom. What must be done to build rapport between a teacher and learners? Research certainly depicts for adult learners that a show of respect moving in both directions helps to build rapport. There are many factors for building rapport apart from the two-way respect factor. Learners should be able to approach teachers without fear and be comfortable at doing so and teachers must be willing to speak to learners any day and any time. Added to these, for adult learners is for the teacher to be able to demonstrate that they care about their learners. Finally, the teacher should have a good sense of humor and be open to the points of view of the learners other than their own. The personality of the teacher also helps to build rapport as it helps learners and teachers get to know each other better. I remember a one-on-one class with a Chinese university graduate who was still low on her English language abilities. With our first class, we had personal talks first about me and then about her. We later discussed how she would want to approach the learning of the English language with her level of English knowledge. It made feel comfortable and we ended up using means possible to activate all that already knew. We made phone calls after class to each other, watched and discussed the news, latest TV series, filling forms for admission to overseas universities together. With younger learners, however, the approach may be quite different. As some units in the course point out to, a good engage phase would be great to build rapport. Others would call these warm-up activity sessions. So why is building rapport important? Rapport helps learners enjoy the language learning process and the teacher as well. It improves the behavior of learners at attending, studying and paying attention in class. Building rapport leads to higher motivation because students feel the teacher’s personality is almost like theirs. Learners answer questions more freely without fear of intimidation in an environment where there is rapport built between the teacher and learners. Rapport building certainly leads to satisfaction with the English language learning. Rapport enhances understanding and when there is better understanding between the teacher and learners, communication becomes better. Conclusion Rapport building is not a myth. It is useful and results primarily from the teacher’s actions. There are many instances in local schools where teachers are less concerned about a relationship with students. I don’t need a relationship aside going to class to teaching and the student following at any cost otherwise the student gets punished. Within the ESL fraternity that would not help a bit only except for self-motivated students and even for them, they would enjoy a warm and friendly instructor for a teacher. References Rebecca Ryan and Jamie Wilson (2015). The importance of establishing rapport with your students. Available at: Maryellen Weimer (OCTOBER 5TH, 2010). Building Rapport with Your Students. Available at: