Teach English in Sunji Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sunji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Nowadays,one of the biggest challenges in the classroom is improving student motivation. The two types of motivation for learning are intrinsic and extrinsic.Intrinsic learning occurs when the student already has an interest in learning the subject and is inspired internally. However, extrinsic motivation occurs when other factors, such as a reward or recognition, drive them to participate in class. It is the teacher's responsibility to engage students in learning by tapping into intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. To start with,foster a positive learning environment, your personality sets the overall tone in the classroom. When you show enthusiasm and passion for the subject you're teaching, it can be contagious for most students, who will model your positive behavior. Besides teaching the curriculum, be a role model to reinforce positive actions to motivate students to learn. Ensure that classroom rules are detailed so students feel safe to participate and share their opinions and comments without ridicule. Feeling free to express themselves will encourage students to be engaged. Secondly,building rapport with students who have positive relationships with teachers are more engaged in learning. Conduct group discussions about subjects that interest them to uncover their personalities. Give surveys with questions about their favorite books, movies, hobbies and sports. Open up to your students as well about your background and interests to show you are genuinely interested in making connections. In addition,preparing engaging lessons,no matter the subject covered, find ways to make the material fun and exciting for your students. Facilitate student activities that give insight to their interests, backgrounds and future goals. Students often are unmotivated because they are bored. Grab their attention with stimulating music, art and hands-on activities to tune them in to the curriculum. For example, if you're delivering a lesson on poetry, play contemporary music and discuss poetic devices within the lyrics instead of just reading poems. Use technology,to liven up classroom activities. Furthermore,giving students options,each student learns differently and should have a variety of projects and activities to peak her interest. For example, instead of a written exam, give students a list of assignments to choose from, including writing an essay, delivering a presentation, and drawing art. By doing this, you address various learning styles, such as auditory, visual and tactile, helping students to participate in ways that are most natural to them. Start a Rewards Program Rewarding students reinforces positive behavior, and students eventually internalize a desire for learning.A rewards program includes giving praise to students for completing assignments and being active participants in classroom activities. In most classrooms you will have students who will say they do not wish to be there and do not want to learn. While this frustrates teachers at times, in reality, the teacher creates the learning environment and can do much to motivate her students to succeed. By implementing effective teaching strategies, teachers can influence and motivate their students. Thirdly,being accessible for teachers have the potential of being the most influential person in the classroom. In order to influence your students, be accessible where they feel free to engage you on any topic. Students who walk in the classroom without desiring to know what you are going to say and do are your least motivated students. Be interested in their lives. If they know you care, they will start to care, too, about what happens in the classroom. While you are teaching, call them by name, keep your lesson content relevant to their lives as much as possible.Keeping examples in your lessons as close to real life as possible will motivate your students to listen and participate. Being accessible motivates your students to initiate more questions and be more open in what they have to say about class. It goes without saying that,being communicative for effective teaching strategies that result in motivating students are praising and rewarding students for participating. Communicate your expectations to your students and how you think they can succeed. If your students know you believe they can master the material you are teaching, they will start to believe it, too. Positive feedback, especially when they do not expect it, will serve to let them know you notice them and their work, which will motivate them to do even better. In conclusion,being challenging for students who feel like their expected classwork is far too below their capabilities or far too above their capabilities likely are not your motivated students. Strive to be challenging by giving class assignments that are just a bit above your student's current ability. They need to stretch and attempt hard topics and assignments in class, but be careful you pick just the right level of work. Use differentiated instruction or teaching strategies that are different for different students' needs since not every student is at the same level. Be enthusiastic about the topic you have to teach, and you may even motivate your students to make a career out of what they learned in your class.