Teach English in Hanmiao Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hanmiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is important as a TEFL teacher to consider what authentic and non-authentic materials should be utilized to better students’ learning and understanding of the language. Authentic materials that can best be used in terms of the ‘clients,’ the specific students that a teacher teaching to business professionals are business magazines, faxes, emails, presentations, and other office or work-related items. The benefit of these materials is that they are items the students will come across in their daily working lives and therefore help them to better improve their English. A stylistic teaching choice that can be used in reference to business English teachers is that a teacher can create a full-immersion atmosphere based upon the authentic materials that suit these types of students and help the material and vocabulary solidify within the ‘clients’ minds. Having discussed authentic materials, the other type of materials that can be utilized in a classroom, non-authentic, which are the ones that are created by the teacher or are designed for the specific purpose of teaching English. What this means is that non-authentic materials were made for the English language learner with level and ability in mind, however; these materials would not necessarily benefit the learner in a business forum because it’s generic information rather than tailored. The benefit that can arise from using these materials though is that flash cards and other materials can reinforce harder concepts or portray lesson points in a way that cannot be easily explained by authentic sources. As a TEFL teacher, it is important to take the needs of the students into consideration as well as their interests. With interests and needs in mind, for some classes or students, the utilization of one type of material over another may be more beneficial than another. For example, if a business student wishes to learn English related to their field then as a TEFL teacher in order to meet this need and interest it may be better to utilize authentic materials as much as possible. This could mean tailoring non-authentic materials in a way that they are authentic in regards to the types of vocabulary and items that the students may be exposed to on a regular basis. On the other hand, a business student may need and ask for just general English knowledge. At this point, bringing authentic materials would help but, focusing on the materials and resources provided by non-authentic materials might be most helpful to that specific student. Earlier, it was said that authentic materials offer an opportunity for TEFL teachers to create a completely immersive environment for their students. What this means is that through role-plays and assignments that focus on the day-to-day vocabulary and items used by the students, it allows the students to continue working on and practicing their English even outside of the classroom. This may be the most important part and most important way that such materials can be utilized because it helps students, especially busy ones like business learners, to learn the language without feeling like they are.