Teach English in Miandian Zhen - Honghe Hanizu Yizu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Miandian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Honghe Hanizu Yizu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Eye contact, gestures, and voice of the teacher are highly important. Eye contact can be used to make students feel involved in the lesson, to ensure that students know what they need to do, to indicate who is to speak, to encourage contributions, to hold attention of students not being addressed, to maintain discipline, to signal to students to start, stop or get a move on, to indicate something correct or incorrect, and to check to see if everyone is participating. Gestures are used to convey the meaning of language, to manage the class, to add visual interest, to increase or decrease the pace of the lesson, and to decrease the need of verbal expression by the teacher. The voice of the teacher should be clear, have range, variety, and projection. In addition, using the names of the students in important within classes to organize an activity, to acknowledge students, to indicate who is to answer or respond and to get the attention of a student. When grouping students, you can group them into a whole class grouping, students working on their own, pair work or group work. When arranging the classroom, the teacher should consider the space available, the types of chairs and tables, the age of the students, the nationality of the students, and the personality of the students. The classroom can be organized into orderly rows, circles, horseshoes, or separate tables. The teacher sh0ould avoid writing on the board as it is turning their back to the class. When giving individual attention to students, teachers should know all the students' names, spend more time with students who do not understand, do not teach only to strong or weak students, should not go around the class in order, should not allow a student to hog the attention of the teacher, to include all students, and not force a student to speak if they cannot or do not be comfortable. As a rule of thumb, teachers should limit teacher talking time and increase student talking time, although both are important. When giving instructions, teachers should attract the attention of the students, make sure everyone is listening, use simple language, be consistent, use visual cues and check instructions. Teachers should strive to establish rapport with students. This can be done through the seating arrangements, students knowing each others' names, ice breaker activities, materials and activities where students talk to one another, lots of pair and group work activities, changing the work groups frequently, encouraging students to help one another and correct one another, no student dominating a group, not supplying everyone myself, clear instructions, looking as though I love the job, having the right manner, always being positive, having a personal interest in my students, smiling, asking for comments and opinions of my students, and personalizing activities to the culture and student's interests. Teachers must maintain discipline and prevent problematic behavior as well as responding correctly to problematic behavior.