Teach English in Yinma Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yinma Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Through the course of continuous educational improvement, different theories about what real intelligence is and how to define it, but before dealing with these topic there is one debate that pervades all of these various theories and that is the question of whether or not there is one general intelligence or whether intelligence has multiple aspects as in the case of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory. In language learning, intelligence is important to be able to grasp the information and be able to apply them eventually in communication with other people. Therefore, the issue of having one type or several type of intelligence is relevant in order to use the right strategies, methods and approaches for better language learning. The goal of this essay is to clarify the importance of applying MI to improve the level of achievement among students in English language acquisition. Hence, this study will give a brief background, the definition, significance, and types of multiple intelligence. Moreover, it will shed light on the advantages of using MI in English language learning and try to build a bridge on the practical and theoretical sides of MI theory. Finally, it will suggest ways of incorporating MI in the English classroom making this study beneficial for many teachers and educators to develop instructional styles and obtain a new teaching approach in order to keep up with the fast-changing new educational age. According to the traditional point of view, intelligence can be measured by short-answer tests such as Stanford-Binet Intelligence Quotient, Woodcock Johnson test of Cognitive Ability, or even Scholastic Aptitude Test. It claims that people are born with a fixed amount of intelligence and that its level does not change over a lifetime. In this case teachers’ role is to teach the same material to everyone, feeding their minds with information, giving traditional assessment, regardless of different learning styles and different needs. It has been a one-size-fits-all approach. However, in the late 20th century, a constructivist professor of education at Harvard University named Howard Gardner introduces “the Theory of Multiple Intelligence”, defining intelligence as a biopsychological process of information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture. (Gardner, 1985). This concept is strongly opposite to the traditional view mentioned earlier, which means we cannot categorized a person as smart and stupid by testing only one aspect. He then declared the nine different kinds of intelligence that reflect different ways of interacting in our life and communicating with the world. These intelligences are musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical, spatial, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences, naturalist intelligence and existential intelligence. Through this theory, it can be said that human beings have all of the intelligences, but each person has a unique combination, or profile. MI teaching approach proposes that teachers teach and assess differently based on individual intellectual strengths and weaknesses. MI Theory in the EFL classroom aids the language teachers to value the individuality of each students and to give importance to student diversity. It enables them to organize various ways that increases the attraction of language learning duties and therefore create favorable motivational conditions. To explain further, there are a number of benefits such as self-development and a broader choice of schooling. It makes the learners capitalize on the aspect where they are strong at as well as push themselves to better at other faculty of intelligence. Furthermore, it is possible to conduct differentiated and individualize learning; providing teachers the potential to develop new and flexible programs which might better meet the learner’s needs.(Green & Tanner, 2005). MI theories can be adapted into all teaching methods, while there are three main approaches which collaborate with MI theories constructively. These are the Task-based Learning (TBL), Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT), and the SAFER model. TBL is a teaching approach of making meaningful tasks the focus of the learning process (Harmer, 2007). The students explore language which is personal and relevant to them while they are given plenty of opportunities to communicate in a variety of engaging activities which could be combined with MI theories and technology. Students engaged more in classroom activities merged with electronic games, drills, videos, power points, e-cards, tracks, multimedia flashes which make lessons more vital and motivate students to learn better. Activities in CLT typically involves student making conversations, role-plan and simulation being popular ones (Harmer, 2007). In this approach, the teacher can ask students to make conversations that will give them the chance to practice their verbal and logical skills. This also helps in enhancing interpersonal skills. Students can make a conversation about a picture or one’s own experience, visual and intrapersonal skills could also be developed. To practice their musical and kinesthetic skills, students could also be asked to sing or dance along songs. This activities could be aided by new technological application, software and equipment. The last one is the SAFER approach proposed by Berman.The steps in SAFER includes: S: Setting the scene, A: Authenticity, F: Focusing on main features of each intelligence type, E: Error correction, R: Review. (Berman, 1998) In conclusion, integrating MI Theory into the classroom accompanied by use of technology results in more effective outcomes as technology is the aspect of the new age of information. This theory is of wide adaptability and flexibility, and to use it effectively teachers should always remain open-minded and creative, prepared to make changes in their teaching methodology.