Teach English in XiaoliuZhen - Heze Shi

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I have chosen this topic of essay, because I am an English teacher for young children in China, and I have some experience. In my opinion, any experience is always conclusions, based on our knowledge, education, moral principles and activity. I want to share my conclusions with you. As it have been told in a course materials, motivation for the learners from 4 to 8 years old in generally is absent, although they absorb a material more effectively, than the adult learners. I noticed, that motivation is absent for the learning itself, but not for another activity in the class. Therefore, our main purpose is to call interest of children. How can we do that? To choose an interesting game. For more active learners I often use games, such as "Zombie', "Bloopers", "Detective", "Musical chairs". I want to emphasize the game: "Zombie". I put on the coat with hood (it's necessary condition), do fearsome makeup, turn off the light in the classroom, including the projector, and catch the students. When i catch one of them, the rest students should tell me the word in the flashcard, otherwise I'll be "eating" the caught student. One of this games gives to learners the feeling of chaos and having fun. I don't doubt, that learners will be asking to continue to play this game and you can use this game the next time, if learners will be working well. This is motivation, but we should comprehend, that any game will lost interest of learners if we be playing in it very often. That's why we should have a lot of interesting games and alternate them. Interesting games are one of the most effective method of making motivation for children. Of course these active game doesn’t fit to every students. The learners are different and many of them are very shy. Especially if we teach a new group of learners, we have to be careful in our choice of game. In this case, we should use more quiet games, warm up songs and dances. Especially I want to emphasize a warm up dances for young learners, because they set students free, do lesson more funny and charge the learners with a good mood. Who said that the teacher can’t dance or play with learners? Bear in mind, that we have to join them in almost all activities, because just like that students feel themselves comfortable and more softly perceive against the teacher. The teacher based on equity, kindness and support have to make conditions for involving the students in learning the process. It can be rewarding of learners for activity at the lesson like say: “very good”, “absolutely right”, “well done”, “give me five” and so on. I think, that rewarding is very important part of the educational process for the young learners and we should encourage, appreciate and praise their efforts. And many students appreciate it. In fine, it is contributing to make the rapport with teacher. All above things allow to the teacher to make comfortable environment for awakening interest of the learning. I guess, that it doesn't matter what exactly the learners like at the lessons. The most important is to achieve trust, authority and rapport with teacher. The best motivation for young learners, I guess, could be a interesting game, exercises (including work in pairs), charisma and encouraging from the teacher. The motivation for them also is praise for parents, because children could surprise their parents with the knowledge gained on the lesson.