Teach English in Wuan Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As a teacher, there are many avenues that are available to teachers wishing to teach English as a foreign language. What I mean by this is that the relationship between teachers and learners is bountiful with factors such as the students’ English level, age, culture, and motivation for learning. The vast amount of factors that play into the options a teacher is one that should be greatly considered and understood. The reason that understanding the relationship between teachers and learners is so important, specifically, is because with that understanding the teacher is able to build a good rapport and better serve the students that they connect with. With that said, teachers are not confined to just teaching multilingual classes in their countries, although it is an option. TEFL teachers also have the ability to teach in a monolingual atmosphere in other countries which offers its own challenges to teachers and students alike but one that is needed. Bearing this in mind, my options as a TEFL teacher spans much farther than working with children, young adults, or adults in a school setting. I also have the ability to search for opportunities within businesses and help to teach English that is more tailored to individuals looking to enhance their abilities for themselves or for their companies. These individuals are specifically referred to as ‘clients’ and they offer their own set of challenges and awards that a traditional student may not be able to. This option alone offers many intriguing notions because business individuals although potentially more motivated than young learners, have unreliable schedules and therefore require tailoring on multiple fronts for their language learning. While being able to find the type of students whether based on their age, motivation level or even their language level is a great benefit to the teacher, but it is not the only benefit that should be mentioned. One of the most helpful and influential options that are presented to TEFL teachers is that the teaching style is completely up to the teacher, as long as it follows guidelines or requirements set by their employer. In my opinion, being able to understand and choose the types of learners I work with, to some degree, as well as choose my own teaching style to fit their needs is the best option of all. The reason I think this is because I full-heartedly believe that a teacher who enjoys their job and their setting is much more effective to their students and thereby creating a positive learning atmosphere. When deciding to be a TEFL teacher I had considered only a minute number of possibilities. I had only considered children and never even considered adults, like myself, aiming to better themselves for their careers or their own personal reasons. With a broader perspective on the opportunities that are laid before me, my ideas of what job opportunities I can accept is thrilling. With all the options available at the forefront of my mind the possibilities are endless as to the students I can teach and the impacts that I can make on their learning.