Teach English in Tianqiao Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tianqiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

If comparing the advantages or disadvantages between an online or on-site TEFL course, I consider the characteristic of the course or any other course related to English teaching cannot provide exact or definite ways to deal with problematic situations in class, rather than being in a real classroom. Nevertheless, TEFL courses are very useful and reliable sources in order to start teaching, improving and getting the initial steps to prevent and solve possible situations in class. It is necessary to consider the appropriateness of an online or onsite TEFL course to the teacher formation. Either an online or onsite course has its advantages to enhance the teaching skills and the nature of the course might not affect the performance of the teacher if the educator thought carefully which type of TEFL was more accurate for his or her reality, necessity, goals or interests. Nowadays TEFL courses are very important sources for teachers who are interested in enriching their knowledge on how to instruct students from different places, backgrounds and necessities, especially educators who want to expand their teacher career out of their own country. In my case, I had a pedagogical, linguistic and practical formation which influenced my decision on choosing an TEFL course. In the end, I consider that an online TEFL course suited me better since I have experienced field work in class. For those colleagues who are starting their career, I consider that an onsite class will involve them in practical experiences for their future jobs. In the first place, I consider that an online TEFL course is very convenient for those teachers who already worked, are working and do not have enough time to attend an in-class course. The educators can access the material and units whenever they have time to pay attention to the content provided by the TEFL source. However, teachers must be responsible of their own learning process. In addition, if the teacher has previous knowledge on the education field, some of the topics about dealing with problematic situations will be familiar and known situations. An instructor who has already taught knows that different populations of students are influenced by some factors such as: motivation, necessities, interests, attitude and so forth. If those factors are not observed or taken into consideration, the class atmosphere and rhythm will be affected temporarily or permanently. A problematic situation in class is the moment the educator must use his theorical and practical knowledge to face the problems. TEFL courses teach to be behave patiently and acertive with the students in class since there is always a reason for adverse reactions. Moreover, the teachers might assess their own performance to check and reflect on how TEFL strategies could help them improve the learning process. Thus, if a teacher took an online course but has experience teaching the language, the knowledge learned in the course might improve and enrich the teaching performance. In the second place, onsite TEFL courses provide an interactive relation between the course facilitator and the trainee. This feature might improve the course content absorption and also might help the teachers discuss, clarify and express their ideas regarding a specific topic in the course syllabus. For those language instructors who have not taken formal instruction on linguistics or pedagogy, attending an onsite course is an excellent choice. In addition, if the educator has not taught any English class yet, onsite TEFL courses provides real class experiences that will enrich the theory studied in the classroom, and give an idea of the problematic situations to be found during their teaching career. Experience makes it perfect. Onsite TEFL facilitates the interaction between theory and practice, teaching real learners combines those two elements studied through the course. At the same time, the instructors of the TEFL course will give some feedback, suggestions, and recommendations to improve the teaching skills. For example, if the teacher practices with young learners, there are particular problems that might occur like: lack of attention, boredom, or demotivation. These topics were studied during the TEFL course, so the educators now have tools to face and solve the situations happening in the field work. This contact with real teaching will enhance the confidence of the teacher and skills for the future. Importantly, teachers must be receptive to constructive opinions regarding their performance during practices, if the teacher is able to recognize and identify his/her strengths and weaknesses, the students definitely will benefit from the educator self-improvement. In conclusion, the nature of the TEFL course should not affect the perspective of the teacher when encountering problematic situations in class since TEFL course are methodologically balanced to provide the future teacher with accurate strategies to face diverse situations. It depends on how the teacher processes the theory and applies it to real class situations. In the end, being in the class is the adequate environment for testing the knowledge acquired during the TEFL sessions. TEFL courses are effective and initial basis for a successful English teaching.