Teach English in Qilin Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qilin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivation is the thing that drives a student or teacher to achieve their goals, weather in life or course. Often we hear that the successes of a class is in the hand of the teacher, meaning that is the teacher responsibility to keep the class enthusiastic and motivated about their learning, there is truth in this saying but there is also few things to take in consideration when we refer to motivation. In order to make learning happening we need to have two active agents ( teacher and student) taking their roles. A good student will be willing to listen and to ask question, desire to use the language in class and learn and accept correction. However, age will play a big roll when we look at motivation. Adult learners decide on their own to attend a certain class and that will keep them motivated. Younger learner in most of the cases didn’t decide on their own and that makes them lake in motivation. It needs a dedicated student to make the learning happen. The teaching role takes a big part in making motivation happening in class, because a an-prepare teacher and boring lesson can pull down a motivated and willing to learn student. The way a teacher manages a class can contribute to a successful and motivated students, how a teacher uses his eye contact, gesture and voice can determine the student motivation. The eye contact should be well balanced, a teacher can not always looking elsewhere or always at someone’s eye, and must be used to affirm student not to reprehend, eye contact between teacher and student is important not only to make sure everybody is participating but to make sure the student feels part of the lesson and be aware that the teacher minds about hs contribution. Gesture allow the student to picture certain concepts and brings a dynamic to the classroom, imagine a standing still teacher who makes no moves and spend 45 minutes in front of a class is demotivating. The voice is a important tool when telling a story and involving a student in the lesson, changing the voice level according to the circumstances is crucial to keep the student attention. There must be a dynamic when we think of a lesson, the way we group students, how we organize the classroom, the sequence of a lesson all this a toll to be use to motivate students, motivating students is not only related with the words a teacher say to a student is also about how a teacher handle a classroom. You can motivate your student in any stage of the lesson it will require good attention skill to pick up whether if a student is demotivated or not. Planning a active lesson with verity of activities will always keep student motivated. The best stage to motivate a student is during engage stage, because it is in the beginning of the lesson where the teacher can pull out the curiosity of the student and make him excited about the lesson through game, jokes and interesting things. In order to avoid demotivating student during a lesson don’t over correct a student, allow creativity in the classroom by putting the books aside, be sensitive to the student needs, try to reach the students individually, make the classroom a relaxed and supportive atmosphere, give the student words of encouragement, keep the focus in the easy thinks, explain as much as the student need. A good teacher will be enthusiastic, sensitive and motivating to his students.