Teach English in Pulianji Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Pulianji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Look at any class and you are sure to notice a pattern where students prefer to sit. Some prefer to sit close to the door, some prefer to sit at the back, and others prefer to sit in front. What is the reason for this preference but more importantly, does the seating arrangements have an influence on the students? Students who find their classroom pleasant and comfortable generally show an increase in participation leading to higher achievement (Douglas & Gifford, 2001). Therefore, the impact of seating locations on student classroom learning has important educational implications. To be convinced by my claim, the first thing a reader needs to know is that studies have reported that students occupying the front rows are more attentive that those in the back. The students in front are the ones who generally answer questions asked in class where students at the back are more quiet. Offering students choices of where they would like to sit seems ethically responsible and an important part in rewarding good behaviour but is not always beneficial for every student’s needs. Seating arrangements are very important to the classroom for interaction, atmosphere, and behaviour. More present research also suggests that students more likely prefer flexible seating arrangements rather than fixed seating arrangements (Harvey and Kenyon, 2013) . In general, spaces designed in a student-centred way, focusing on learner and teachers needs is a great aid in student learning. The traditional lecture setup typically consists of rows of fixed seating. Students face the teacher with their backs to one another while the teacher has a clear view of all the students. This benefits the students as it causes minimal disruptions and allows for a quiet lesson environment. The disadvantage of this seating plan, like mentioned before, is that students in the front row tend to participate more that students in the back. The horseshoe or semi-circle offers a modified roundtable setup, where all students face each other while the teacher can move about the room. The horseshoe encourages discussion between students and the teacher, and allows the teachers position to be less dominating. This makes students feel more comfortable and often allows students to be more focused on the lesson and also allows for eye contact with other students. Although this setup tends to encourage more engagement between the instructor and students it can cause disruptions as students are now in bigger groups and talking can become louder. Separate table arrangement, when students are seated in small groups, can be especially helpful as students will work in groups or pairs with their classmates for a large portion of class time. This allows students better interaction and a chance to help and learn from each other. More generally, this arrangement communicates a learning community where students are expected to work with one another even if they are shy or reluctant. The teacher is also able to work and give specific attention at one table while the other groups continue their work. The disadvantage of this seating arrangement is that the teacher are unable able to keep eye contact with all students and might lose their attention or focus. Because students are seated in groups the same problem can occur as with the horse shoe seating where student become louder and in some cases disruptive. The data proves that the seating arrangements in a class does indeed have an impact on a student. In doing this research it was found that teachers should always use the type of seating arrangement that provides the best type of atmosphere for their current activity. One way to achieve this goal is to provide flexible, comfortable learning spaces that encourage participation and interactive work. Although seating may be only one segment among a mass of design considerations, it is one of the most easily changeable in classroom learning environments, and one that may be more important than people think. To continue this research, I believe there are certain areas that need to be looked at. Research should be done to also better understand the effects of increased natural lighting, and the inclusion of living organisms into the classroom. This information would be very beneficial if the results showed an improvement in students behaviour and work In conclusion Your classroom layout and seating arrangements are one of the most important elements to help motivate and stimulate your students for best results.