Teach English in Penglou Zhen - Heze Shi

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Intelligence is not a single ability. When in a classroom, a teacher will face several kind of students, from diverse backgrounds, personalities and, also, intelligences. Questioning why students learn same things differently, Howard Gardner proposed a model in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. His theory identifies 7 different types of intelligences, as shortly described below: 1- Physical intelligence Learners like to deal with problems physically. They enjoy sports, games and like to move around and touch things when learning. They remember best when they have done 2- Linguistic competence They enjoy literature and learn from books and recordings. Lectures and note-taking. Fluent and expressive speakers with a large vocabulary. 3- Logical Intelligence Learners enjoy solving puzzles and problems. They arrange tasks in an orderly sequence. Need logical explanations 4- Visual/Spatial intelligence They are observant and have a good sense of direction. they enjoy looking at pictures, slides and understand graphs easily. Potentially good visual imagination 5- Musical intelligence Keen ear for sounds and like music. Good sense of rhythm Learn tunes and songs easily 6- Inter-personal intelligence Sensitive to other people’s feelings Interested in how others think Good mediators and enjoy working in groups They usually have many friends 7- Intra-personal intelligence Independent learners who like to work quietly and individually Dreamy and imaginative Good understanding of themselves Other intelligences (naturalist and existential) were identified/described later, but I think those above summarize well the theory. Everybody has a natural composition of all intelligences, being some more dominant than others. Someone with strong inter-personal intelligence can learn easier using songs and a typical problem-solver can develop better doing some physical activity, and so on. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences came to brake down a long term convention that people are divided in two main ability groups: Logical/scientific and linguistic/artistic thinkers, and that everybody that not excels in one of those, is not very capable at all. Another intelligence measurement that was often used was the IQ score, that also reduced drastically the accuracy of the interpretation of the intelligence degree. Recognizing that people are different, even when learning, is a big pedagogical conquest. According to the students age and level, the teacher can expose them to this theory and ask them to try to recognize the intelligence (s) that fits them best. Self-knowledge and acceptance take off pressure, allowing a better learning process, reinforcing self-confidence, improving grades and results. Teachers probably will have a multiple intelligences classroom, that is why it is important to diversify classroom activities, so that everybody gets the content. In the scheme below, from Richmond’s Helping Students to Learn, he suggests different activities that can be performed in classroom, according to each multiple intelligence. A successful lesson will respect ESA within all its varieties and forms, bringing to the classroom activities for all types of intelligences, so we can mix music, role-plays, reading and listening, doing exercises and drawing all in one engaging all students allowing them to develop in their own ability. Certainly, teaching will be more grateful if all students, with no exception or intelligence fell respected and confident within its own diversity. Richmonds - Helping Students to Learn - activities for the differente Intelligences 1 Physical intelligence Mime, drama, role-play, TPR 2 Linguistic competence Reading, writing, poems, Picasso dictation 3 Logical Intelligence Working out grammar rules, classifying vocabulary, doing ecercises 4 Visual/Spatial intelligence Learning with pictures and diagrams, watching videos 5 Musical intelligence Listening songs, learning their words, practicing pronunciation, make rhymes 6 Inter-personal intelligence Pairwork, role play, dialogues, interviews 7 Intra-personal intelligence Individual work, project work, creative writing