Teach English in Longgu Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Longgu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is not only a self-fulfilling task but also quite challenging.The teacher might face a lot of difficulties while performing the job. I would like to talk about an issue which recently has become frequently discussed, namely teaching monolingual visus multi-lingual groups. Monolingual group is a group where all students use the same mother tongue language. Multilingual group is a group where students come from different countries and speak different languages. Teaching above mentioned groups may be interesting, to some extent, and may arise some difficulties. The teacher must be enough experienced to overcome the difficulties and produce great English speaking students. I want to examine the monolingual groups at first. These kinds of groups are more common to come across. While given the lessons to monolingual groups the teacher must be ready to hear a lot of “ mother tongue language “. The students normally use their native language to make some clarifications or discussions. In order to avoid the situations like that as much as possible, the teacher must plan the lessons thoroughly and prevent students from using their own language, on the contrary, the teacher must engage the student to speak English.The teacher can use prepared materials to employ and create a lot of diverse activities to keep the students interested and involved in learning journey. Even if the teacher knows his/her students’ mother tongue, the teacher must never use it. The teachers should respond only in English and to English. Another problem which may occur is that monolingual students make the same mistakes ( as an example Chinese students find it difficult to pronounce the sound “r” because of their mother tongue but on the other hand the monolingual group learners can understand each other. Now, I am going to discuss teaching multi-lingual groups. There a few issues the teacher can face while teaching the multi-lingual groups. Students in the multi-lingual groups speak different languages and it means that group-mates cannot ask for clarification each other. The students are forced to address teacher using English language. Sometimes students prefer not to ask teacher directly as they feel shy and not confident in their English level. The next matter is cultural differences. All students come from different countries and they have different food, traditions, beliefs. At this point the teacher must be careful to avoid misunderstandings which may occur inside the group. The topics for group discussions must be chosen thoroughly. On the other hand, there are some benefits of cultural differences. The students and the teacher may find it interesting to get to know other cultures more deeply and to experience something new. Students in a multilingual class are making different mistakes in structure and pronunciation. Students in a multi-lingual groups got used to different learning styles and they find it easier to adopt to a new system or curriculum. In a nutshell, there are benefits and difficulties of teaching monolingual and multi-lingual groups. The key point is to be well prepared, well organized, friendly, cheerful and be open to face the students from all over the world. To end up the essay, I would like to mention that there is no fixed definition for a good teacher but the good teacher is the one who is ready to help their students, who is passionate about his/her job and who desires to give more to get better results. Eventually, it won’t matter which group you are teaching (monolingual or multi-lingual), what matters is how dedicated you are and how competent you are to find a better solution to the arisen issue.