Teach English in Licun Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Licun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning a new language is always an advantage and it enriches your life. There is so many different ways to study and not every option suits everyone. How can someone with multiple intelligence learn a second or third language easier? What is multiple intelligence? According to Howard Gardner and his theory that humans have many varied type of intelligence. Garder sets eight chategories: linguistic, logical, musical, visual, kinesthetic, interpersonal and naturalist. Unfortunately the education system is only based on the first two categories, especially if we talk about teaching a second language. Mostly all of the language classes or courses are focused on grammar, vocabulary etc. Still there is the question: how can we apply multiple intelligences in learning languages and what benefits do they have? The first step is to recognise what your strengths and weaknesses are. There are several surveies on internet that help you to find out what multiple intelligence do you own. Once you completed the form they will provide you suggestions what methods should you use to study a second language. Let`s discuss the categories and their benefits in language learning. Linguistic Intelligence: Linguistic Intelligence - also called verbal linguistic- obviously is the most helpful of the mentioned topics. People who are lucky to have high level of this skill are very good at languages and love reading and writing. It means they are able to remember and use new words very quickly. Logical Intelligence: People who own a high level logical intelligence - also known as mathematical intelligence- are very good at problem solving, logical reasoning and scientific investigation. They will always find the way to complete the task in class and feel motivated to do researches during language learning. Musical Intelligence: Music is considered a type of language that accompanies our everyday activities. It helps us to memorise words, sentences or longer texts. Someone with great musical intelligence learns faster a foreign language as the words also have rhythm. It is also proved that catchy songs stuck in our head easily which makes us remember the lyrics, therefore teachers use lot of songs during classes. Visual Intelligence: Creating visual explanation increases understanding of new topics during the process of studying. People with a good level of visual intelligence understand and learn faster a new language and have major benefits on this area. Teachers use flash cards, video materials to stimulate this area of the brain. Kinesthetic Intelligence: Have you ever been told that you are good at dancing or sports? If your answer is yes it is because your kinesthetic intelligence is an advanced state. Does it help you learn a new language? Yes, it does. People who understand body language very well have a big advantage in learning new languages as they can understand faster the meanings of the material, connect them with the movement and remember it. Interpersonal Intelligence: Interpersonal Intelligence is one of the most important abilities when you talk about foreign language learning. This skill makes people to understand and interact effectively with others. Why is it so important? When you learn a new language, your main objective is to communicate. People who have a high level of interpersonal intelligence learn languages very fast because they are not afraid to talk with others, even if they make some mistakes. They always look for opportunities to communicate and practise. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence is a type of intelligence what we all share but not so many people know how to use it to our advantage. This intelligence group means that you have ability to analyse your individual motives , thoughts, emotions and desires. Helps you to understand what do you want and why do you want it. If we think about language leraning, this kind of intelligence helps you to understand the importance of a new language, your motivation and doubts. Naturalist Intelligence: People who own a higher level of this type of intelligence are good at discovering the wonders of natures. They love to walk,camp,hike,enjoy outside activities. In a class it is suggested to introduce them topics about nature and they need to move around a lot. This kind of people learn faster using outside activities and real life situations. In general all of these types of intelligence help to learn a new language but not everyone has the same level of each form of intelligence that is why each person needs different methods of study routine. In fact teachers always can help you to develop these skills applying the correct teaching method. References:;=/ZjFofP881iap0U1IB3zDtAox1I=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Gardner_s_theory_of_Multiple_Intelligenc.pdf