Teach English in Hetaoyuan Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hetaoyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I chose the subject ' Why establishing good rapport is important ' , because I believe it is a vital foundation for any classroom or working environment . Personally for me , it is one of the first things to establish once the teacher meets the students for the first time . A close , harmonious relationship is important , so that mutual respect between teacher and students is achieved . It is important for both parties in the classroom environment to feel relaxed , to achieve harmony , and to have mutual understanding so that effective learning can take place . Some of the main points I believe why the establishment of rapport is so important : - Probable higher positive motivation from the students and teacher . - A more relaxed classroom environment . Therefore students feel less inhibition . They have more freedom to be open and expressive in their communication of the lesson content . - Good rapport produces better communication between teacher and student(s) . Communication is very important in any learning environment . - Students get more satisfaction and quality out of that particular program or course . - Good rapport builds trust between teacher and student(s) , which in turn helps the quality and satisfaction gained by students ( as mentioned above ). Trust is vital in any human relationship . Not only between teacher and student(s) . As we build up a connection with other people , trust becomes a vital spiritual component . Now Writing from my own experiences in the teaching environment . I taught in vocational education , Broome , WA , Australia . I taught Cert I , II , III in Arts and crafts of the Adult education sector , at Broome Regional prison ( minimum security ). My students were mostly of Indigenous Australian heritage , with specific cultural needs . The trust component was vital in the good rapport between myself and my students . This made them much more relaxed , and they expressed themselves with a lot more freedom and creative spirit in a questionably difficult , restrictive environment . In this specific teaching environment , one of the reasons why establishing good rapport was so important , was the result of a positive attitude from both teacher and students . Good rapport enabled open communication and possible solutions to difficult situations or problems the students may have ( Even within their own personal lives ). Not to be forgotten , is the importance of a sense of humour ! A good laugh or a certain sense of lightness was vital in establishing good rapport in this teaching environment . Another positive experience of good rapport from Broome prison , was the positive learning results from my students . This in turn produced higher motivation from myself as the teacher , and made my students feel good about themselves . It also made my relationship with head of staff and other teachers , much easier and harmonious . This made my teaching role and experience much more enjoyable ! . After a few years there , it was time for me to move on , but the good memories will always be with me . I believe this is why establishing good rapport is so important . In conclusion establishing good rapport in the classroom is at the top of the list for me . I feel that good communication , openness , politeness , and a caring empathetic attitude builds a positive , respectful , trustful educational or working environment , which we all can benefit and learn from . This is vital for the general human spirit and the growth of humanity .