Teach English in Hanji Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hanji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As we all know, motivation is a core of teaching job. Lack of motivation is perhaps the biggest obstacle that we could face. This applies to both students and teachers: if the student lack of motivation, he/she cannot pay attention in the class or simply is not interesting, at the same time if a teacher lack of motivation to teach he/she unable to attract student’s attention and give them all they need. Last be honest and say that intelligent student are those, who always eagerly attend to class and enjoy the process. Here we need highly motivated teacher that willing help them. Now: in this paper, I would like to divide students into several categories, because in different situations approaches are also different, and look what is helpful to them: 1. Kids. First, we should be patient, have a lot of energy, and be positive all the time! They should feel relaxed, so that they could trust the teacher. Being friendly and sensitive to them is important. Let them experiment with language; do not over-correct to avoid their isolation from you. We should do more activity and useful games. It helps students to get away from daily problems and direct their energy in the right direction. Be creative and encourage with small prizes. It really motivates them to compete and focusing on self-development. Make them want to study and come to class with sort of satisfaction. Make it challenging, but within reach with guide and fun at the time. At this age, students could be lack of motivation for lots of reasons: parents push them to study, they are bored, the teacher is boring, they have problems out of the classroom and come with bad mood, they afraid, they have a lot of pressure etc. Our job, as a good teacher, is to provide them a good atmosphere and let them feel more comfortable to learn in your class. If class is big, they could make friends with other kids, help each other and make the process much interesting. 2. Teenagers. The hardest age to motivate: first love, protest spirit, unwillingness to study, etc. To motivate teenage students you should become their good friend. Asking them about their life, give them suggestions if they ask you to, be able to hear them. Make them open their hearts to you. Lessons should contain topics that are interesting to them: favorite singers/actors, interests in sport, future career, etc. Show them that you involved in their passion with all your heart and they will study hard. They could be lack of motivation that age, because parents/society do not understand them, so they need a friend which could be you. We should try to persuade them that study language is cool, and they will have many opportunities, if they able to speak English: travel, study abroad, make new friends and find a good job in the future. 3. Adults. The most motivated category is adults. Mostly because they come by their own willing and pay their personal tuition money. However, the reasons for learning English can be different: business, job, migration, language itself. To motivate them, we should be careful, sometimes adults are afraid to do something new, because they think it could make them lose. It is not true. We should try to persuade them that there is nothing scary in make mistakes, for this is the way we learn. Mostly such learners come to class after work; they are tired and have low energy. We need to cheer them up, make more conversations in English and show them in this way they make progress. Attract their interest with some worksheet, pair work, group work, activity, etc. In class, they should fell relaxed, not like sitting in a cubicle. To sum up, we could see that motivation is extremely important because it helps our students to believe in their own strength and enjoy the studying process. Good teacher will be able to find approach to the every student.