Teach English in Guyingji Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guyingji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Many may think that having the appropriate amount of knowledge of the English language and a good understanding of TEFL methodology are all that is needed to be a successful teacher of English. However, not to be overlooked is the importance of effective classroom management. Good classroom management is the key to a successful TEFL course. Without it, students will not be able to focus or will feel uninspired and the teacher's knowledge will be wasted. What is classroom management? It is the skill of organizing and managing the class. It involves having a friendly and relaxed manner while maintaining discipline and order. In other words, a balance must be struck. A good teacher must be flexible and know when to be firm and hands-on and when to back off and let students work things out for themselves. A good teacher must be able to create a comfortable environment for students to learn while also being the authority figure. Having good classroom management skills also ensures that students get the maximum learning opportunities possible within the available time. So how can good classroom management be accomplished? The obvious first step, and probably most important one, is to plan and prepare well. If the teacher is fumbling through the lesson, seems lost, confused, or unprepared, this just opens the door to student misbehavior. Poor planning and preparation on the teacher's part can also make the students wonder why they are putting effort into this class when the teacher clearly is not. Poor planning also results in poor time management which can frustrate students, obviously putting them in a poor frame of mind for learning. How can you plan and prepare? The first thing you need is a written lesson plan. Focus on the objective of the lesson so that, as you are writing the lesson plan, you can ensure that each part of the lesson will work toward that goal. The lesson plan should also include the timing of each part. You may even want to note where in the lesson you should be at particular times. For example, if you know your class will start at 2:00 you might note that you want to be starting your second activity at 2:15. Second, ensure that you have all necessary materials and that, if applicable, they are in working order. Do you have plenty of work sheets printed out and extra just in case? Is your audio recording or video playing properly? Do you have extra activities prepared in case you get through your lesson plan more quickly than you thought? The next thing that can contribute to good classroom management is to communicate clearly with your students. Students should have a clear understanding of what is expected of them at each stage of the lesson. This should be the case no matter how much English your students understand. Having low level students is not an excuse for a lack in clear instructions. This will likely require visual aids, such as demonstrations, board drawings, and pictures, and your using clear concise verbiage that is the same every time you give instructions. This will contribute to smooth transitions which will keep things moving at a good pace during the lesson. Additionally, as was mentioned previously, the teacher must be the authority figure. If the students view the teacher as such they will respect the teacher and take directions more readily. If taking charge does not come naturally to you, you may need to “fake it 'til you make it.” Finally, developing a good rapport with students can contribute to good classroom management. Being the authority figure does not mean being a staunch dictator. Students must view you as approachable and reasonable. When administering discipline, it should be done in a calm, kind way in order to maintain good rapport with students. Not to be overlooked is the importance of understanding the culture of your students. What kind of behavior or actions are offensive to them? Often, especially in Asian countries, these things are very different than what offends those who come from English-speaking backgrounds. Really, when discussing how good classroom management can be achieved, the answer is going to vary from teacher to teacher. Due to personality differences and variation in personal preference, each teacher will have to develop their own methods and plans to effectively manage their class. Similarly, students’ personalities also vary widely and may require that a teacher change their management techniques from class to class. However, the points discussed will likely carry over from teacher to teacher and class to class. Therefore, by applying these tips, you are likely to put yourself in the best position to have a smooth running class that is enjoyable for both teacher and students.