Teach English in Dinglichang Zhen - Heze Shi

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The reason why the topic of the modal auxiliary verb is chosen is because of the important use of it. How important? We can even say that the modal auxiliary verb exists in our daily conversation, and we might not be aware when we are using it. For instance, when we meet a new person and might say "May I have your contact information?" or when we are asking price in a grocery shop, we would say "how much would a pound of prime rib be?" and it can certainly just be as simple as "can you please take out the trash?." The real question is, why do they exist and why are they so important? In this essay, the topic of the modal auxiliary verb will be discussed and includes what these verbs are, why and how do we use them, and why is it necessary to teach the student about the modal auxiliary verb. Every language has its way of expressing emotion and formality when speaking. In English, the modal auxiliary verb is the heart of it. The modal auxiliary verbs are: may, might, need to, must, have to, have got to, should, ought to, can, could, be able to, would, shall, will, and needn't. Some of these verbs have a similar meaning and can technically be interchangeable under some scenario. However, particular word choice would be more appropriate and appreciate in some situation. In unit 18, the chart on page 3 and 4 compare the meaning of the auxiliary verbs. From here, we can tell that some of the words have the same use or definition, but by using a different word in the same sentence, it might result in a different tone and attitude. For instance, according to the law of Arizona, students must attend school for certain hours every year. Nevertheless, if we substitute "must" with "have to," the statement would then become weaker and not as forceful to the reader. Another example is when we are seeking people's help, it would be more polite and not as obligated to say "could you please help me" than "can you please help me." Just as how unit 18 stated, "Modals can be used to express a number of different ideas... also be used to express differing degree of formality." Growing in a diverse culture is normal in America. Often time when we see a new immigrant or international student, we would not mind to assist and correct their language used. However, lacking the vocabulary and misuse the modal auxiliary verb in a sentence could potentially lead to confuses or misunderstanding. For instance, there once a student during my high-school time, instead of saying "I need to use the restroom," he said, "I ought to use the restroom." Which is not wrong, but it would be more appropriate to use need to instead of ought to. There was also another time with the different student when the classmate asked "may I borrow your pen?" the student replied, "yes, you should." Which in this case, it will be more suitable to say "yes, you may." or simply "yes, you can." Due to the reasons above, I believe it would be necessary for the student to study and understand the uses of the modal auxiliary verb. Despite the fact of these verbs could sometimes be tricky in terms of determining which one is better for the situation, for the sake of manner and clarity, the modal auxiliary verb would help the students to express their self more politely and appropriately.