Teach English in Chengwuxiandatianji Zhen - Heze Shi

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Teaching and learning are two basic processes underlying the activity of students and teachers nowadays. Learning process puts both parties toward each other , what it teaches , and what it takes, the teacher and the student. Today takes greatimportance to the training of students to teach themselves , their education, equipping them with the skills of independent work with the most advanced methods of learning conscious , sustainable , active and creative. The purpose of this topic is to know the importance of usage of all skills during a lesson hour. The teacher is free to use a variety of methods and strategies of teaching / learning to suit the needs of students in different classes. He combines these methods during the learning process and adapts according to the increasing development of linguistic competence and independence of student development, the consistency of this process. Teaching has at its center the method of communication, task -based methods, functional methods and situations as real life etc . These methods are realized through various strategies and techniques, according to language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) . Teacher and students collaborate on the organization of teaching / learning. To facilitate the teaching / learning, the teacher finds efficient ways to organize communication activities , provides and suggests source materials for students. In contemporary teaching teacher does not only play the role of teachers, but also plays the role of supervisor. Together they establish cooperative relations in the process of learning . The teacher clarifies the studentsand takes their understanding of what happens in the classroom. This means clarifying the rules of the line of work and responsibilities of students in the process of activities. The teacher suggests and provides the use of audiovisual means ,electronic , and helps students to use various forms of information technology within and outside the classroom . It gives students the website in accordance with the age and educational requirements . On a teaching hour should be applied all four language skills strategies , but they escalate from level to level depending on the objectives . Setting the students in the spotlight makes the student actively participate in linguistic interaction , preparing it for a new phase of his education. the four necessities in language or commonly known as the four skills- Reading, writing, listening and speaking plays a vital role in any language learning quest… The four skills are the pinnacles of language which will take you to greater heights. They are separate yet bound together with an inseparable bond. teachers should set high standards for an ESL classroom. They should work to create the necessary condition for students to learn effectively and reach the desired outcome. For the teaching of English to be successful, the four skills, reading,listening, speaking and writing, should be integrated in an effective way. These skills should be addressed in a way that helps students meet the standards you set for them and develop their communicative competence gradually. This encompasses : Listening and speaking: these two skills are highly interrelated and work simultaneously in real life situations. So, the integration of the two aims at fostering effective oral communication. This integration will assure real-life and purposeful communication. Reading and writing: they form a strong relationship with each other as skills. They are tools for achieving an effective written communication. Students need opportunities to develop their reading and writing skills. Developing students’ competencies in reading and writing requires exposing students to gradually challenging reading materials and writing tasks. The aim is making students read and write effectively. In fact, the integration of listening and speaking with reading and writing will make learners good listeners, speakers,readers and writers so as to be able to communicate effectively. The mastery of these skills is a gradual process. Teachers,for instance, should expose learners to gradually challenging tasks and material. When a teacher makes use of activities that have been specially designed to incorporate several lguageskills simultaneously (such as reading, writing, listening, and writing), they provide their students with situations that allow for well-rounded development and progress in all areas of language learning. In her reflection, Anna refers to activities that make use of ‘the four skills’ but she is not quite sure how to plan activities that incorporate all four. In this section we will discuss the 'four skills' as well some activities that can be used in the classroom to promote all four. Through daily activities, teachers provide learners with opportunities to develop each skill: students listen (to the teacher use the target language, to a song, to one another in a pair activity), speak (pronunciation practice, greetings, dialogue creation or recitation, songs, substitution drills, oral speed reading, role play), read (instructions, written grammar drills,cards for playing games, flashcards) and write (fill-in-the-blank sheets, sentences that describe a feeling, sight or experience, a dialogue script, a journal entry). Two activities that make use of all four skills in tandem are Self-introduction and Reading and Retell. Self-introduction takes the answers to a series of personal questions (name, age, grade level, where you live, members of your family, favourite sports, animals, colours, subjects, etc. ) and sequences them into a self introduction. Students are given large visuals to trigger each component of the self introduction. The teacher can point to each picture while modeling a self-introduction (students are listening) and then invite learners to introduce themselves (speaking) to one or two if their peers. Some of the visuals can then be changed and the students can be invited to introduce themselves to others in the class to whom they have never spoken. This activity can be adapted to become a regular (daily, weekly) warm-up activity to get learners talking in the target language. Having covered listening and speaking in the oral self-introduction, a scenario can then be created wherein learners must write a self-introduction to a potential home stay host. The same picture cues can be used, reconfigured to show a salutation, closing and signature. The picture cues provide learners with support without giving them a text to memorize. multilevel SL classes, graded readers can be excellent springboards for another activity that integrates the four skills- a reading and retell. First, learners select a book or story at their own level and read it. Learners are then given a template to follow to summarize their thoughts about the story (writing). The summary is designed to help learners gauge the amount of detail required in a retell. After additional practice reading the summary silently and aloud several times, learners are asked to select two or three illustrations from the book to help them tell the story. They then practice telling the story by using the pictures and remembering what they wrote in the template. Students find a partner who has not read the same story and retell (speaking) their story to one another using the selected illustrations. Partners not only listen to the retell but also complete a feedback checklist (writing) about the retell. After reading the feedback, partners switch roles.As a student, the skills of language will make you academically sound and the miracle it will have when you enter the world as an adult is magical in an adventure. Mind you, the four skills never stand out as individual areas but they form a chain cycle, where you break one ring of the chain and the whole chain would collapse. In the changing competitive world, your command over a language and even more the level of your English can determine your life. Thus, it is so much imperative for you to understand the four skills and give it a consistent effort. The result will be astonishing !