Teach English in Chengtun Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chengtun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Firstly,classroom managing is a word key for establishing a successful learning environment in any classroom. An effective classroom management plan creates a positive learning environment. At the begining,classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behavior. Students’ behavior is influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds. Teachers need a diverse array of classroom management skills to facilitate learning. A classroom with a proper management plan will spend less time in disciplining and more time in learning. Students in effectively managed classrooms know and follow clearly defined rules and routines. A classroom management plan should provide In addition to this,classroom management that is set up is including the physical set-up, the rules and guidelines, the teacher personality, and the consequences of rule breaking or misbehavior. In my opinion, the classroom is meant to be fun but have very specific strong guidelines that have consequences when those lines are crossed. Moreover,Classroom management techniques also help in ensuring constructive interactions among the students and the efficiency of the study program as intended in the syllabus.The key to effective classroom management technique applications involves the teacher in studying the students and their characteristics beforehand. In other words, classroom management is that set of teaching behaviours by which the teacher promotes appropriate student behaviour and eliminates inappropriate behaviour, develops good interpersonal relationships and a positive socio-emotional climate, and establishes and maintains an effective and productive classroom organization. Classroom management is important because it enables the teacher to ensure appropriate learner participation and form learning patterns that have optimistic impact on learning. It helps to inspire learners and ensures that different styles of learning are catered for and diverse needs met. Classroom management is a critical ingredient in the three way mix of effective teaching strategies which includes meaningful context, powerful teaching strategies and an organizational structure to support productive learning However creating an environment where the students practice appropriate peer communication is just as vital. Students need to feel safe enough to engage in open dialogue and share their ideas. Well managed classes promote the ability for students to learn because they are effective at holding the interests of students, and most efficient at practical interactions. Also all important thing about managing classroom is having rules and disipline.Teacher must use classroom rules that describe the behaviors he/she wants instead of listing things the student can’t do. Instead of “no fighting” use settle conflicts appropriately. Instead of “no gum chewing” use leave gum at home.The teacher has to let his/ her students know that this is how he/she expects them to behave in his/her classroom.The entire above are considered effective techniques a good teacher may use for her classroom management. But a good teacher is the one who knows which one to use at the exact time and how he/she should balance between them, so that he/she will have a model classroom environment.A good teacher is the one who knows his/her students, how would they be motivated to learn, how would they react with him/her inside the classroom. Everything a teacher does in the class help him/her in classroom management, how well the teacher is prepared, how he/she is managing his/her time, how much the activities are appropriate for the students’ level, how much the objectives are clear for the students, and how much the students are ready and motivated to learn. All these conditions are effective for managing the classroom. Teacher can also use his/her voice tune as a tool to get the learner’s attention, not only this, but also switching the light off in a sudden may also help the teacher to get the students’ attention. Students are smart enough to know when to be noisy and when to disturb the teacher, but the teacher has to be smarter to know how to get the students involved in the lesson. And I do agree that once the student is motivated to learn and knows why he is there, he won’t misbehave and a calm quiet environment for teaching and learning will exist. In conclusion ,having a structured classroom promotes students who are active in learning. Successfully delivering material and coordinating activities are the obvious goals of a well-managed classroom.Maintaining an attractive and well organized classroom is an important classroom management strategy because learning tools are easily accessible and students are more likely to engross themselves in studying if the environment is appealing