Teach English in Zhenchuan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

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WHY SHOULD WE PLAN LESSONS? First of all we need to know that what is a lesson plan.Lesson plan is the teacher's quide for running a particular lesson, and it includes the goal(what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method, procedures) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached(test, worksheet, homework). A lesson plan also is also a working document which helps us to keep on target and gives us something to refer to during the lesson. considering a lesson plan in this way helps to consider the level of detail we need on any such plan. The writing of lesson plan has a number of important functions like; -learner objectives -personal aims -language point -teaching aids -anticipated problems -procedures -phase -timing -interaction -class level -number of students -date and time Now i will explain the most major factors that teachers use in their lesson: (note:it can be different kind of lesson strategies) 1.learner objectives (aims) ; it describes what a teacher wants learners to learn be able to do at the end of the lesson. Aims, especially for younger learners, may not always focus on particular areas of language. for example, the aim of the lesson could be listening to a story for pleasure or encouraging a positive attitude towards the foreign language. 2.personal aims; it shows that what a teacher would like to improve or focus on in his teaching. These might be about improving the way we handle materials and teaching aids or particular teaching techniques, or they might be about teacher's relationships with the learners. Example; To improve my organisationof the white board. To give clearer examples. 3.language point; It shows the theme around which a teacher's lesson is based and also how it fits in with past and planned future lesson. Example; Review the vocabulary of fruits and vegetables from previous lesson to bring out new reading topic about Healthy eating. 4.Teaching aids; It is things that we can use to support our teaching in the classroom. It can be flashcards, pictures, cassettes, board, pen, worksheet... 5.Anticipated problems for teachers and learners; It might be the presupposition problem you quest will occur in a teacher's class. It can be linguistical, behavioral, and situational problems. Teachers always think and planned about this problems and their solutions. There are some potential problems that a teacher or learners may have with the lesson. -student might be tired -students might be weaker than expected and therefore the lesson will be too difficult. -one of the students may become disruptive during the lesson. stronger students might dominate the weak students -technology won't be working -students might be different levels. 6.Procedures;It is body of the teacher's lesson plan, the ways in which the teacher share information with students and methods teachers will use to help them assume a measure of mastery of that material. Aims are not the same as procedures. Aims describe what the learners will learn or what they will be able to do with the language while procedures. For example, listening to a recording and answering question are what the teacher and learners do at each stage of the lesson. 7.Phase;A phase is a particular stage in a process or in the gradual development of something A lesson plan will include 3 stages to describing the particular purpose of each stage of the lesson. They are elements which are present in a language classroom to help students to learn effectively.These are Engage, study and activate phase Engage ; This is the point in teacing sequence where teachers try to arouse the students interest thus involving their emotions. study;study phase are those where the students are asked to focus in on language, and how it is constructed students can study in a variety of different styles. The teacher explains grammar, for themselves they can eork in groups, studying a reading text or vocabulary. Activate; This describes exercises and activities which are designed to get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can. Finaly planning a lesson plan is very essential for all teachers. we should use these steps for planning our lesson.